The Hall Light

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I look up. All I see is the ceiling fan. It's spinning so fast, it makes me dizzy. I turn over and look at my door. There's a light shining through the bottom of the door. Shadows walking around. The sound of footsteps seem to get louder and louder. I get up and start walking towards the door. I put my hand on the door knob. The light from the hall suddenly turned off. I open the door and look down the hall. I see a shadow. The figure seems so far away, yet it's just down the hall. It seems to be a man, but I cant tell. The figure appears to get closer, like it's walking down the hall. My heart is racing. I quickly feel around on the wall for the light switch. I flip the switch, I look up and the figure is gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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