It Was Ment To Be A Normal Day

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Heading over to the market in the brisk morning air was always the most refreshing experience. Nothing was ever quite like it, yet forever changing that morning. If only I knew what would happen I would have never have went.

As I arrived, strolling through the old dark wood doors, reaching the height of the walls enclosing the market, the aroma of delicious cooking food, rare spices and perfumes good enough for royalty filled the air. It was a scent to remember, couldn't be found anywhere else. The loud sounds of people rushing around, the engines of barely functioning motorbikes and meat sizzling on a hot grill echoed within the walls. 10:27 AM, the market was already almost overflowing with crowds of people. Everything under the sun was sold in this ancient market. No wonder why it was so popular.

There was a reason I was there in the first place. Mother desperately needed new pots and pans, she never looked after the ones she had. All of them were rusted through and blackened with burnt on food, not to forget the handles were hanging on by a thread. 16 euro, that was my budget. I was given directions through the maze of a market. Mother knew this market like the back of her hand. As a little girl she went to this market every week with her mother. She hasn't gone recently, she has been way to weak.

The directions, it was a right, 12 stalls forward then a turn... someone​ was calling​ me over, a shopkeeper. They were dressed in a deep black cloak with a large collar and a charming smile on her face. She offered me a freshly cooked juicy, pork and vegetable kebab. My mouth started watering. 10:42 a bit early for lunch. Overwhelmed with temptation I just had to taste it. Looking upward I spotted a chalkboard sign hanging above the stall, written on it was 'Kebabs €5.00 each'. I was unsure now, if I gave in there wouldn't be enough for mother's much needed cooking equipment. Well, mother can live with one less pot right?

I reached my hand eagerly over to the ceramic plate where they were kept. Suddenly someone rushing by on a motorbike as loud as an explosion, passed directly behind me. Surprised, I dropped the kebab out of my hand, it landing directly onto the scorching grill. Engulfed in flames it caught alight the the kebab stall. Soon enough the surrounding stalls were ignited in monstrous flames.

The shopkeepers surrounding were in a panic desperately trying to save their stock. Shocked I stood still. Chaos erupting around me, there was nowhere to turn. Smoke was filling the air. Surely enough a crowd of worried customers stormed by knocking me over. Snapping out of my trance I was able to realise what was going on. People young and old screaming in every direction. The market was packed with people there was no clear way out. Only the most experienced knew their way around here and I wasn't one of them.

Desperately looking for a landmark to run towards for a chance to survive, I spotted an old cell phone tower that looked similar to the one I observed from my bedroom window as a young child. It was the only thing I could see over the stalls and black smoke, it was my only chance.

Sprinting to the tower took most of my energy. The monster still raging behind me and the heat radiating from it was overwhelming. The smell of black smoke soon overtook the scent of sweet spices. The cries of families screaming for help broke my heart, I could not help them. My feet wouldn't stop moving, my mind was set on surviving the disaster.

As I was starting to emerge from the people, I was the closest to the tower as I could get. My heart sinking to the ground as I gazed upwards at the decrepit moss covered stone wall. It was eerily quiet, no more screams of people in despair. Surrounded in fire, there was nowhere else to turn. I had to find a way out or meet death where I stood. I had to think fast.

Climbing the wall wasn't an option, it was a mere slight breeze away from collapsing. If it fell when I was on top of it I would surely not survive. There, an idea struck me, make the wall topple. Stepping back, I ran towards the wall launching all my body weight at it. It wasn't a fragile as I once thought. It barely budged. The second time, as the flames grew closer and more intense. With sweat dripping down my forehead I tried once more. I couldn't do this forever. Even if my plan had failed I would leave knowing I had made an attempt. Nothing. Running out of time, this was my last chance, with tears streaming down my cheeks and flames about to engulf me at any second I threw myself​ at the wall with all the strength and might I could muster.

The wall collapsed outward, with me falling on top of it. All I wanted to do is lie there, to rest, but the inferno wasn't going to let me. I had to get up, I had to leave.

Rising up from the ground with determination I started stumbling away. Far from the blaze, smoke was still looming above me. My vision was blurred and I couldn't feel anything. I was numb. I couldn't go on any longer. I fainted at the bottom at the hill behind the market wall from exhaustion. Nothing else I could do at that point.

I awoke to chill of night fall, with the moon and stars glimmering in the darkness. I could just see the rubble of the morning disaster behind me. Refreshed, I strolled home to greet my mother. Recalling every moment of the adventure and then apologizing for not acquiring her cookery equipment


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