French Cafe

3 1 1

Third Person 

The couple sitting outside the restaurant were exactly what one would expect, except they aren't. Many peeople never would guess they are 17 year old run aways. The girl: Blonde, blue eyes, red lipstick, eyeliner, fair skin. Wearing: A leather jacket, ripped jeans, combat boots, beanie and messanger bag in between her legs. Odette. The boy: Black hair, green eyes, tan skin. Wearing: A leather jacket, black jeans, converse, and backpack next to his right leg. Jack. 

"So where to next?" Odette said crossing 'Breakfast in France' off the list. 

"What you don't want to stay longer? The view is beautiful," Jack said gesturing to the Eiffel Tower that they were eating outside of. 

"We don't have the money, and even if we did we vowed to never stay somewhere longer than a week. Today marks day 7. Time to start the cycle again." She reached between her legs and into the messenger bag rummaging around the inside looking for her wallet. 

"Babe what are you doing?" Her beau looked at her like she was crazy. 

"Trying to find my wallet. Shit." A look of panic briefly crossed her face. 


"I left my wallet in  the hotel, next to yours. Fuck"

"D&D?" he cocked his eyebrow up a smirk spreading across his face. 

"It's come to that. Again." 

"My bike is right there, think we can make it?" 

"Oh yeah. Three." She grabbed her bag. 

"Two." He flung his over his shoulder.

"One." She grabbed his hand and the remaining crossaint, hitting the pavement hard." 

Someone was yelling after them in french. 

"Sorry dude I don't understand you!" Jack yelled over his shoulder shrugging. Odette's tinkling giggle trailed after them. Jack's rough laughter complemented her light one. 

He hopped on the bike, pulling his lover on behind him. As he reved his motorcylces engine the sun finally burst through the clouds. Speeding down the alley's and side streets, feeling Odette's hand's clinging onto his shirt he knew what he wanted in life. 

"Babe marry me." 

"Are you kidding me!? Let's do it!" They sped off to the hotel.


Hey loves! So this idea popped in my head and I kinda went with it! Tell me what you think! More short's to come! ~Love ya, Grace 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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