She Finally See's

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Victoria..Victoria...she whispers my name and i get chills. I try to move but my feet won't budge. Fear enters my mind immediately.I feel her hand touch me. I open my mouth to scream but no noise comes out. I feel her drag her nail across my spine. Suddenly she tackeles me and the pain is overwhelming as i land hard hitting my head. Blood pours from my head as she smiles.

I wake up alert and ready for action. I heave a sigh of relief when I see no one. Then I remember I'm in a secluded house in the middle of the woods all alone. I turn on the TV trying to drowned out my thoughts. Some walking dead re-run is on I try to concentrate on the show. Of course it doesn't never does,she can get in my head. yes Victoria i can. The TV abruptly turns off along with the lights. I gasp and cover my mouth and try with no avail to stifle my scream. I run to find the light switch. I sit in the closet and hide from her. Yes her....Marlene DouConnor. Marlene DouConnor was a 17 year old who lived in 1985 with light blonde hair a gorgeous smile and small blue eyes, she was beautiful in every way possible perfect skin,body,everything. But one day on a way back from a friends house she made a stupid decision. She heard a noise and being dumb she went to see what it was...Marlene was never seen again. That is until 2014 when she was found knocking on doors asking people for help. Marlene didn't understand why people kept pushing her out. She just wanted help,what she wanted help with slipped her mind. Marlene walked to her old home and stood outside she bent down a picked up a shining object. As she picked up the object she realizes it is a cracked mirror. Her reflection startles her. Her once beautiful blond curls are now matted with dirt and stained from blood. Her once beautiful blue eyes were now red,bloodshot,and bugging out of her head. Her porcelain,flawless skin is now cracked,frayed, and marked with many scars. Her body was no longer just skinny no it was starved. Tears fell from her eyes only these tears were blood. I'm a monster she thought, how did this happen?! Suddenly the old Marlene was gone and a hate filled one replaced her. The only thing this marlene thought of was her unsatisfying hunger for humans. A small girl maybe four or five was playing in her yard. Marlene smiled in a very cruel and wicked way. "I'm famished..time for dinner!" she exclaimed and raced after the girl.

I shivered involuntarily at the thought of that article. Why did Daz have to show me. That's how all this started because anyone who reads that article Marlene goes and finds you and she hides,makes noises to increase your heart rate which allows her to find you because of the sound then attacks you. I took a quick breath as i heard a noise from behind the door. The air in the closet was thick,Victoria could barely breathe. My heart sped up as i thought about all the undeniable possibilities. I hear your heart speeding up. Is that because your thinking about how I'm going to rip out your heart. Yum my favorite delicious. My stomach lurched as i tried not to vomit. The thought of Marlene hovering over my body made a tear fall from my eye. I think it's time to come out Victoria.. The handle moved. "LEAVE ME ALO-!" I shouted. My voice got broken off with a sob. I brought my knees to my chest and sobbed. I'm coming in Victoria. Suddenly she barged through the door. I screamed and moved back farther. She backed me up into a corner. I put my head on my knees and tried to calm myself and plan this out. I couldn't concentrate. I need to p-plan..I NEED TO HELP no i need to um...I NEED TO HELP HER..... suddenly the only thing that mattered was helping Marlene. My thoughts were fuzzy and everything went black.Marlene grabbed her victim by the hair and lifted her this one isn't going to be in a trance she thought. Victorias eyes widened and she struggled under Marlenes strong grip. Marlene slammed her head against the wall making blood pour from a crack in her skull. Marlene lapped at the blood as Victoria was uncapable to do anything but scream. She smiled and quickly took Victorias neck and applied pressure. Victoria gasped for air. When she was almost finished Marlene let go and swiftly broke her neck. She smiled to herself reaching for the vital organs first. She chuckled remembering her scared expression. She already couldn't wait for her next meal I mean you have to struggle after reading that article...she loved struggle and couldnt wait to eat YOU.

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