A Rose For Me

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Her hair softly flowed from the scalp of her head as she walked towards him. He felt his heartbeat, and he was sure that she could hear it too. Her eyes were a cascade of different colors changing every second, her footsteps were soft on the padded ground, barely heard over the sound of crickets chirping.

"Hi," He softly spoke to her in his gravelly voice.

"Hey," She quietly whispered in his ear, "I've been waiting for you."

"Even after all this time," He whispered, his breath catching in his throat, "I never deserved you."

"I could never forget about you," Her hand softly crawled up his arm to his neck, "Even if I tried. You are too much of a part of me."

Their feet in sync lifted from the mossy ground into the black sky. Together, as if they were one, they danced in the sky tracing lights with their feet. He quickly, but softly flew to the tips of the black trees and tap danced breaking the branches into smithereens. She happily descended in a fury of fire and brimstone, quickly and softly.

A sudden blinding white pain came upon him as he felt something soft and cuddly climb up his back. "They're here." He loudly whispered out to her to his heart's content.

She flew up to him and laughed in his face, "I know, I brought them."

He heard her voice slowly diminishing in sound sounding like she was leaving him. "NOOOO!" He let the sound extrude from his mouth crudely. "Why did you bring them? You know what they do to me!"

Her voice suddenly became more clear than it was before it diminished. "They help you."

The black sky turned into a darkened room and the black trees turned into a broken bed with black sheets and pillows. Her blue sky dress became a blue suit with a black belt and a gun.

A man in white came from behind him as he collapsed to the floor. The man calmly asked him, as he was crying on the floor, "Now tell the nice detective lady what you saw in your dream."

The man's demeanor changed from that of a frightened man to that of a small child. "I saw her." He softly whispered while lifting his hand and folding down all of the fingers, but his index finger and pointed at her.

She lifted her left foot moving it forward, followed by her right, then her left foot again. "You saw me." She said with the sweetest voice that he had ever heard come from her mouth, normally it was a harsh tone or a loud drunken one sometimes a cry baby too.

He quickly started shaking his head up and down to indicate that yes he did mean her, the detective.

"What else did you see?" The nicely dressed detective asked the strange man.

"Black," He said simply, "Everything was black, it was black. Black. Black. Black." He softly grabbed his hair and started pulling it out all while screaming. "Black. Black. Black. Like his soul. Just like his soul. Black. Black. Black. BLACK! STOP IT!"

The man wearing white quickly moved his hand and grabbed something and put it to the man screaming neck. The screaming man's eyes softly and sadly closed as if he had gone to sleep. "I'm sorry detective, but you are going to have to come back later."

The detective's eyes turned from the now sleeping man to the man in white, "Thank you," She whispered in a husky voice, "Alert me if anything about him changes."

The man in white could visibly see the pain in the detective's eyes as she left the room. He could hear her silent crying when she started walking down the hall to the exit of the building. Surprisingly he felt sorry for the young detective, she was going to go through so much pain soon, on top of all the pain she was already feeling, because of him.

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