~♡ Laurance X Reader // Promise ♡~

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P R O M I S E // A N G S T


"Y/N, I have to leave because of work, I wish you'd understand."

"It's fine...just be sure to talk to me everyday okay..." Y/N said smiling but deep inside she was scared that her boyfriend would find someone else better than her.

"You promise okay..."


He hugged Y/N before he went to the airport. Everyone knows long distance relationship doesn't work, so Y/N had deep thoughts of Laurance cheating on her.


"Just promise you won't cheat on me Laurance." Y/N stopped, but she then continued her sentence. "And always know that I love you." she continued kissing her laptop screen.

"Y/N trust me, I am not seeing any other girl here."

Y/N and Laurance always talk to each other using Skype. They always see each, but only using the laptop. Y/N always makes sure that Laurance is happy and he's not she'll make him happy.


Months, even a year has passed and Laurance had changed, completely. He doesn't appreciate Y/N anymore, he was sick of the same set-up everytime.

But Y/N was still doing her best just to make their relationship work. She can't do anything to see Laurance happy again. He felt like there's always something missing, he started being cold to you.

He stopped talking to you, he tried his best to get away to you. He ignored your calls and your messages. So, he made an end to your relationship, he thinks it's not working anymore.

He started dating other girls, lots of girls in fact, she still loved him though so she tried her best to stay in contact with him. He told you that he was already happy there with another girl.

When he told this to Y/N she felt like something shattered. She felt like something's broken, all she can do is move on though, but she can't. Day, after day, after day, all she could think about is Laurance.

She can't do anything, but cry, but that can't fix anything. so she went to Garroth. He became Y/N's best friend and they hang a lot. He was the one who healed Y/N's broken heart.


Laurance felt like this piece of him was missing, and that piece was you. He felt bad that he made you sad and he broke your heart. He knew that no one can replace you and he felt bad because it was his fault that you two broke up.

He went back to MyStreet, to see if he can still bring back your relationship. You were happy the gang was there, but the gang wasn't complete.

"So, where's Garroth and Y/N." he asked curiously

"Oh...them, I actually though you were over Y/N." Dante replied.

"You see...after you broke up with Y/N she told me she was seeing Garroth lately, so they're like getting married."

Suddenly, Laurance felt Y/N's pain when they broke up. Too bad he can't change anything, especially now that the person he loved is getting married to his best friend.

"You broke your promise to her dude...and everyone knows you did."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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