The Rage

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Hi. im new to wattad but have been reading from my itouch. i want to be a writer so why not give it a go here! so i hope i can read my story on my itouch. i must say they are pretty 'quiet' now but they will get happier. and its in peoples point of view. so if it says the charachters name, thats whos talking..... well good luck and plz dont kill me!

Profiles Of Characters

Charlie- is 17, light shaggy brown hair, loves singing songs by Bon Jovi, and has been best friends with Nicole since diaper days! Plays Derek on the show.

Nicole- is 18, blonde hair to her shoulders, loves almost anything, has known Charlie since Diaper days, and has grey eyes with light blue specks in them. Plays Emily on the show.

Alexander- is 16, jet black hair spiked up to perfection, loves fixing bikes, cars,and any thing he can fix possible, he also loves playing the piano and is new to the show. Plays adam on the show.

Terri- is 18, has brown hair to her shoulder that curls slightly, purple eyes, has been on the show for three years. Plays Ali on the show.

Jared-is 17, has black/brown hair that spikes downward into his face and back of neck, deep green eyes that fight against his pale skin, jared is the loner of the group of kids on the show. Jared plays Marco on the show.

Chapter one- The end is not as soon as I wish


Sun rises, go to work, come home, go to bed, wash, rinse, repeat. What I great life, I think to myself as I am driving to the set. I wish I had never been put into drama club. I wish I had never gotten that part in the skit. I wish my mom never came to watch. I wish she didn't bring her friend. I wish her friend didn't become my agent. I wish I never let him be my agent.

Tommy de la Rucho. Who honestly keeps that name? he was my middle-aged, bald headed, nosy, annoying, best-guy-ever, agent. He of course knows I think that. I don't make a habit of it not to tell people what I think. But in a short sum, he was my bald, leprechaun sized, agent.

What I find interesting, is that I tell the magazines, the people, the 'fans', which I hate saying, that I don't like acting. I like lying. I like it a lot. Im great at it. But somehow, that draws them in. with each breath of hate I give, they only give back a cup of praise for being modest, level headed, and down to earth. Why do people have to be so starstruck not to even let me know that im a piece of trash?

The only reason I haven't quit the stupid tv show millions call 'The Rage', which unfortunately is its name, is because im too hung up on my co-star. Ali Maria Dimecho. For some one who cant go five minutes without her pink nail polish, or garbage she calls music, she's amazing. I cant explain why or how but it doesn't phase her at all that I cant go five minutes without MY own space, and iPod on Full Blast. Unless she is with me. Then it doesn't matter what I am doing as long as Ali is within a 100 foot radius.

hey guys chptr 2 will be posted a very soon! btw my names emily and on june 3rd ill catch up to everyone and b 12!

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