Elvin and Emma

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*Emma's POV*

"Emma! Would you please get down!"
Mum yelled from the kitchen.

I didn't answer her, but went down the stairs. I had always liked out castle very much. But sometimes it just felt too magical to even exist. I knew about my father and mothers past and it was always my favorite story when I was little.

"Yes?" I say as I walk into the kitchen.

"Emma, I was wondering if you would like to go down to the village today."

I liked the village and our little home a bit outside of it.

"Of course the whole family is going , but you don't have to." She said as an attempt to make me answer quicker.

"Sure, why not?" I finally say.

Mum hugs me.
"Thank you, Emma!"

I knew she would be happy. She liked her life before. But she likes it now as well.

"So... you said yes?" I hear a voice say a behind me. As a turn around I see Elvin. My brother. He is not the most charming person I know but he's fine...I guess.

"Yes, I did" I answer to he's question. He looks at me a bit shocked. Just like he thought I wasn't gonna answer.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm going to go get ready" he says and start walking away.

"Get ready for what? Ladies?" I ask a bit irritative.

He turns around and look at me and smirk.

"In difference of you I don't have to get ready to find a partner." He leaves the kitchen, and I did the same.

"He is just so annoying!" I think to myself.

Hi guys hope you liked the first chapter of Belle's children. Please don't be mean, this is my first story. Bye!🙋

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