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Another year has gone by. I'm in the place where I last saw him three years ago. The same place, the same date and the same time where I got the last chance to hold his soft hands and kiss his lips.

I'm not supposed to be here. But I just found myself coming here. 'What was I even thinking?' I thought to myself. I am just hurting myself with all these memories that keep coming back. It's like it is haunting me.

I remembered when he first brought me here. It was such a great moment that I will always remember. How I wish I could stop the time during that moment. His sweet gestures that made me fall for him even more. I remember how he surprised me on that day. He bought me the dog I always wanted to have. I can still clearly remember his voice as he says 'My love, this is Bada. I know how much you wanted to adopt her'. I can't help but cried because whenever I say how I love to adopt her he always ignores mo, but it looks like he just pretends to.

I smiled and looked up and see how the stars are shining tonight. I remember how we used to count the stars and laugh as we forgot how many did we already counted. 


I flinched when I heard my phone rings. I just realized I haven't change it since the day he changed it.


"Hey, where are you? I've been waiting for you for half an hour already" I've been so pre-occupied with my thoughts that I forgot I'm meeting my friend today.

"I'm on my way now. Sorry I'm late. I'll be there in a minute. Bye!"

"Alright. Take care! Bye!"

I'm about to go when I saw something, someone rather and all those pain came back. That moment, that painful moment that broke my heart. That made my heart shatters into pieces. 

Every single detail of that heartbreaking moment flashes back.

"I know you are not yet ready for this but I ha--" I cut him. I know where this is heading. No, you are wrong, I've been readying myself for this moment but even though I am, it still hurts me.

"No, please! Don't say it" I hugged him as tight as I could. I hugged hoping it will stop him. But no, it didn't work. I know it won't work because he already decided.

"I need to go to America as soon as I can. My family needs me and you know that"

"I know but I don't want you to go. Call me selfish but I can't let you go" he wiped my tears and kiss my forehead. He loves to kiss me on my forehead and I always feel the butterflies in my stomach but this time it's different. I can't feel any butterflies.

"Please, don't make this hard for me. I'll comeback as soon as everything's okay, I promise. Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you but I am afraid you might be able to find someone who's better than me" I can't afford to lose him.

"I don't need someone who is better than you. I am contented on what you are. I love you for who you are and no one can ever replace you in my heart. No one. I'll comeback for you as soon as I fixed everything. Please trust me."

He cupped my face and kissed my lips. My tears just keep on flowing as we kissed. How many times did I prepared myself for this and yet I failed to accept the truth that he is now leaving me, FOR REAL.

"I know I promised you I won't leave you. But I'll comeback, I promise and when I do, I will not leave you again. Never" I smiled and nodded.

"I understand. But make sure to comeback. I'll wait for you"

"Give me one year to fix everything."

I nodded and turn around. "Now please go, I don't want to see you walking away from me. I'll wait for you. I love you so much, always remember that."

He hugged me from the back and my tears started to flow again. 

"I love you so much too"

And that is the last time I heard his voice.

I wiped my tears as I saw HIM walking towards me. It's him. It is really him. After three years, he is here. I thought he won't comeback.

"Hi" he greeted smiling. "Sorry it took me three years to comeback. Sorry if I wasn't able to fulfill my promise to comeback after one year. Sorry for all the pain I have caused you. Sorry for the tears. But now that I am back, I won't let you cry again. I won't hurt you again."

I'm speechless. Is this really real? Is he really standing in front me? Talking to me?

"I know this may be weird, but I still love you so much that I can't afford to lose you again, to leave you again"

He kneel and hand me a red box with a ring in it. Is this really happening or am I dreaming because if I am just dreaming, I don't want to wake up anymore.



So this was my first ever one shot story I wrote 7 or 8 years ago. I don't actually remember and it so happened that I found the notebook where this was written and so I decided to share it with you guys. I've changed some parts of it because ang jeje nung ibang part ng original story. Hope you'll like it!

Memories (One-shot Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon