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That's all you could do.

Run through the endless hall that seemed to only lead you in circles.

A dark chuckle rang through your ears

"It's game over, dollface" The sickening tone sounded as if they where right next to You.

"You should just give up now, poppet" Another voice piped in.

"Just give up now" A gruff voice that held distaste and irritation said.

The smell of smoke wavered through your nose, making you cough and sputter.

'How many of them are there!?' You bit your bottom lip, looking around in search for the sources of the unknown voices.

A light tap was directed to your shoulder, making you turn around...

Only to see four sets of gleaming eyes to meet your [e/c] ones.

"Over here, doll" Before you could even react, a harsh blow was delivered to the back of your head.

"It's time to wake up [Y/n]"

"It's time to wake up [Y/n]"


Your eyes snapped open as you rolled out of bed, landing on the hardwood floor with a 'umpf'.

"Get dressed or else we'll miss the bus" [F/n] Spoke with his arms crossed.

"How the hell did you get in?" You spoke, pushing yourself into a standing position.

"...That doesn't matter" He spoke nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Wha-" Before you where able to say anything the walked out the room and slammed the door behind him.

You grumbled incoherent words making your way to the bathroom,   you then got dressed (pic above) and washed you face and brushed your teeth.

Pushing your pajamas into the far corner, you walked out the bath room and grabbed your backpack.

"Hurry up!" [F/n] yelled from downstairs.

"Don't get your nipples in a knot" You shouted back, now walking down the stairs.

"You look like shit" [F/n] said, eyes looking directly at your outfit.

"And you smell like shit, but you don't see me complainin" You retorted with much sass.

"I've taught you well, young grass hopper." He chuckled, handing you your phone.

You walked out the door, not bothering to say thank you

"Fuckin bitch..." [F/n] mumbled to himself, closing the door behind him.

You took off into a sprint down the sidewalk, leaving your friend behind.

"You know I don't like running!" [f/n] shouted, already out of breath.

Game over [2p!Hetalia x reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ