Chapter One

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Jason sits in his cabin crying, Why her? He asks himself, It should have been me.

Piper, she went missing a couple weeks ago and is now presumed dead. They can't get IM's to her or anything. Even Aphrodite tried to help look, but she wasn't found.

But anyways, Jason had to help with the building of another cabin so her quickly dried his tears, and washed his face with ice cold water to try and make his eyes less puffy and red.

"Ouch! What the Hades?!" Jason looked around and saw a brick lying at his feet.

"Sorry!" A Stoll brother, Jason couldn't tell which one, said looking down over the edge of the roof at Jason.

"It's fine, I think I'm going to go to my cabin and lay down for a bit." Jason said, deciding to pick the Brick up as well and going to his cabin.

"This is a nice brick," Jason said as he sat down on his bed. "Smells nice," Jason said after sniffing it. "I wonder....." Jason dipped his head and hesitantly kissed it, then started making out with it.


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