Love In The Middle of Two Stars

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Chapter 1

(Fading Stars of Sweet February)

"If only I can grab the stars, I will offer them to you.

If this dream can make you smile again, I will do everything just to make it happen."

It was one cold February when I saw this girl again in the park, sitting on the swing as she looks at the black night sky. I really feel sorry for her that time and that seemed to attract me. Silly though, I sat with her and I asked her not to cry even though she's not crying. She laughed for a moment but then her smile begun to fade again. It was her story that made her like this. This is when I made my oath to her. If she can make me smile, a guy like me who don't know how to smile before, I am in debt to return the favor.

This event in my life changed everything and though it seems most of the promises can't be fulfilled, she made it happen.

~Undying Stories of Her Dreams~

It was I who was been fooled. I never expected that pain will feel like this. I'm just a simple girl living a normal high school life when I met this guy. He's like a star that suddenly appeared in the middle of the black sky. It was him who blew the clouds so I can see the beauty of the skies. His name is Daniel. He's the angel sent by God that proved me that I am strong. Not because of Daniel but because of the miracles that came to me when he left me crying.

"It was the angel of pain, disguised in the cloak of heavens, who gave birth to the angel of happiness, the being that hid itself from human sight. Without the hardships, I won't be able to make it to my sanctuary."

I was walking on my way to school when I saw this guy staring at me and I knew for sure that he's already locked on me for minutes. Why he is staring at me like that? I ignored him thinking it was nothing. After school, I decided to buy an ice cream since it's my favorite. It's a part of my daily routine after class. I went to the counter and took my ice cream when something caught my attention. It was Daniel and he's beside me now though it seems he's ignorant of my presence. I'm kept on staring at him since I'm still thinking of what happened this morning. I decided to approach him so I can introduce myself but a guy bumped at me, spilling his drink into my skirt. "I'm sorry miss, it's an accident. I'm really sorry." Then the guy ran away. He's so pathetic, damn. When I looked back for Daniel, he's already gone, all because of that stupid guy. Well that's life and I can't do anything about it.

When I got home, my mom told me that there's a guy who brought my bag and he said that I dropped it somewhere in the cafeteria. She told me that the name of the guy is Daniel. I'm amazed on how he was able to know my address, but it was just an effect of my excitement. I forgot that I have my address on the bag. The next morning, I saw him again but this time he approached me and asked me if he can have my number. I gave it to him since I'm quite interested with him too.

It was Daniel who took my sadness away. I can't say that I am really sad that time but since I find life boring by those times, it gave me the feeling of extra ordinary happiness. He gave me the reason to smile without a reason. Funny though, I felt that he turned out to something that I didn't expected. Could it really be Daniel?

Ever since my highschool years, I didn't fell for any guy. I really find those girls craving to have a boyfriend crazy because I know they'll end up crying after. I've seen those scenes many times. The say I'm cold hearted but I'm just being practical. There are so many guys tried to court me before but they just end up in body bags (just kidding. I haven't killed a guy before; not yet). Everything they say about me is all the same. They say that I am beautiful, kind, thoughtful and I'm sweet but those are proven clichés to any guy who's courting that's why the idea of courting is so absurd. It's all about sweet lies. They didn't even tried to know me before they asked me about the courtship whatever shit that's why I call them fake. If only there's a guy who can say to me the words of love so honest, I'll definitely fall for him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2010 ⏰

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