Bomb Squad

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"A bomb has exploded on third avenue, witnesses saw nothing or no-one entering the building. Unfortunately this is the third bomb to go off this week. Police and The Bomb Squad are on the case and have reason to believe this is a single terrorist that is repeating with the same type of bomb"

Elgin shut the news off, Elgin was a special kind of guy with black hair and no facial hair. Elgin always says that facial hair is to overrated. "Why did you do that" John said annoyed. John was the defuser he could defuse anything and he was really good with engineering."Because he can, he has rights" Caden said teasingly. Caden is a strange guy with a good sense of humor, he is really skinny and he has a really small bomb suit size. Me, I'm Nick I am the bomb specialist and leader to the team, I have a black beard and I am also pretty skinny.

"Bomb squad" said a voice on the intercom "We have a lead on the case of the terrorist, since this is a terrorist bomber you four will go and pursue our supposed suspects house with a bunch of highly trained marines." The intercom faded and i began to speak. "Ok team lets go, get your gear and ill meet you guys downstairs in ten minutes."

I haven't really got over the fact that this place is so old. Torn out walls, classy things from the 1900s and a few really creepy paintings. This place does have a special space in our hearts. This place has kept a secure place for all of us and makes us feel safe. It has a place for us to chill and have fun when we can rest. Besides for being old this place must've cost a fortune because of all the old stuff and the latest technology we have.

The police gave us a ride to the house. "Ive never really got a ride in the back of a police van" Elgin admitted."I have back when I used to be a cop" John said. John used to be a cop, before he had his accident. John was out in the field one day. He was with his partner investigating a crime scene when his partner stepped on a land mine and it exploded him and his partner. John was in the hospital a few days while his partner... they couldn't save him.

After a long time in the car after John had mentioned his days as a cop we made it to the house. The house itself looked abandoned, torn up walls on the outside, broken windows and broken,rusted cars littered the lawn."John" I began "Get your computer and see if there is a bomb suit linked to calling devices."John took his computer out and started typing. "There is Nick" John said worryingly "But I can disable the signal from the nearest cell tower." "You go with one of the marines and disable the signal we will buy you time." Elgin began after John left "Ok lets enter."

"Ok Caden go check the front and back doors for trip-wires" I began "You never know this whole house could be rigged." Caden had just left and there was silence. I couldn't explain Elgin's facial expression, it almost looked as if he were worried but not worried at the same time. "Front door and back door are fine" said a voice from the back of the house "Im going in with some marines if you would like to come with."

Elgin jumped and his facial expression went from worried to excited. We both walked to the back of the house. "Sorry it took so long these new bomb suits need some getting use to" Caden said. He was right, these suits were insisted by the military, they said these suits are amazing and the military bomb squad use it. I remember that day when John embarrassed us.

The house looked a lot like our bomb squad headquarters the walls were torn and the floorboards creaked a lot. It was really strange because their were a lot of bugs just randomly spread out. Couches were dirty full of stains and bits of food, but then again the whole house looked like that, dirty and disgusting.

"Bomb squad check this out" one of the marines said from upstairs. We went up the creaky stairs that were also dirty and full of dead bugs. The room the marines were in was... clean. It was proper clean vacuumed floors, nice dressers, made up bed and a cupboard that had one locked drawer." There was a beeping noise from the cupboard and then it stopped" said the smallest marine. I took out my walkie talkie "John, did disabled the cell tower?" "Ya why?"John said in a questioning voice,"When?" "Just now" "Ok thanks see you later" "Cheers." As soon as he said that word I could feel his signal die."Ok" Elgin said "lets see whats in the cupboard."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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