Prologue - Dreams

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"What's wrong?" she asked when I quickily turned away.

"It's complicated" I replied, and without waiting for a reaction, I ran off.

I woke up, my bed was completely soaked by sweat. "Goddammit! the same dream, for ten nights now!" I said when I got out off bed to get some water. "Coincedence? the great Firelord Zuko is going to get some Water to wash away his dreams about an Earth nation girl. Only Air is still missing." I tought while walking trough the dark, large halls of the Fire nation palace. When I got to the bathroom, I splashed water in my face and looked into the mirror. I saw a sad man, 18 years old and with the weight of the whole Fire nation on his shoulders. I looked at my scar, my trademark, the symbol of Zuko the Firelord. I covered it with my hand and looked into the eyes of another man, a man who used to serve tea in Ba Sing Se, the man who ran away in my dreams: Lee the runaway-circusboy. And while thinking about Lee, my toughts went back to Jin, the girl Lee wanted, but Zuko rejected. "Damn, I'm missing her!" I told myself, looking down again. Then I heard a sound: footsteps! I turned around, flames in my hands, and saw Ty Lee standing there, so I lowered my flames. "Ty Lee, for the dragon's sake, stop creeping up on me like that!" I said, and I let myself crash down on the ground.

"Haha, you sound kinda stressed, Zuko." she sat down next to me and laid her arm around my shoulder like a big brother would do "So, who are you missing so badly, Mai?"

-"No, it's not like that, I've got the same dream for ten nights now, about a girl I met in Ba Sing Se."

-"So, then go seek her! Let Iroh run the nation again, he's a funny firelord."

-"But how the hell is the great firelord going to find a simple normal girl without drawing attention?"

-"Didn't you have somekind of other identity? Something that didn't scream out: Firelord Zuko is here!" Ty Lee says as she lifts her hand and covers my scar with it. I let her do for a while, I don't know why, but I liked the way we sat there, Ty Lee on my hips, almost petting my face with her small, warm hands.

Then she stopped and we stood up "Thanks, Ty Lee, I think I've got an idea, but let's both get some rest first, goodnight."

-"Goodnight, Zuko" she answered and she gave me a kiss on my cheek before dissappearing.

Honestly... my name isn't LeeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu