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          Starrymoon headed for the bushes to stay in cover from the Twolegs. All of the other clan cats followed her, knowing that was the best thing to do. There was only one cat who didn't make it into the bushes. Sandykit! The Twoleg monster machine made a loud noise as the Twolegs kicked poor Sandykit below a tree, that soon fell because of the Twoleg machine. Sandykit clawed the ground and scratched in terror and pain as she quickly fell into a rest. All the cats gasped as Starrymoon ran out of the bushes and scratched the Twolegs until they were saying something like, "Get the chainsaw!" Or, "Kill the stupid cat!" Starrymoon understood their words and ran into the bushes. One Twoleg was smoking  and dropped his cigarette, not stomping on it. The forest quickly caught on fire as the cats and the Twolegs all fled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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