Demons Within Me

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I screamed in pain then I woke up in my bed. I looked around the room and saw a dark red glow under the door, I wondered what it could be. I got out of bed and slowly walked toward the door the floor creaked and the glow moved I was scared. then I slowly opened the door to find BLOOD everywhere on the floor I went to my parents room and they were gone!!!!! I ran out side and saw a weird animal holding my parents then jumping into a hole!!!! I tried to scream but my voice was gone!!!! then my house began to crumble. I wrote down everything that happen and ran to the cops to show them they took me in and sat me on a bench!! I was scared almost peed my pants when all they big scary prisoners walked by me. the cops were talking to the chef for hours. finally after 8 hours of waiting and sleeping they took me to CPS to put me into a home because while I was sleeping they searched the house and confirmed my parents were missing and gone so they had to send me to a foster home or care whatever. I laid done on the small uncomfortable cot they gave me for a bed!! the home they placed me in, remember it was on short notice, was dirty smelly and small. if only I could see my friends but im not allowed to see anyone until I have completed my interview with cops on what happen tonight. the next morning the cops picked me up from the foster home/care at 6am I was half asleep then they gave me some hot coco to wake me up for the interview. I told them everything from the moment I woke and to the moment I ran to the cops. when I finished explaining what happen they all looked at me like I was on crack or morphine!!! they sent me back to the foster care where I was allowed to watch TV for 2 hours. I  saw my house was on the news already I turned red and went to my room to try to process all that's happened in the past 19 hours. then I began to remember the hole the creature took my parents down!!!!!!!!!

All through the night I wondered about the hole. how'd it get there? who put it there? why did that thing take my parents? well only one way to find out, so I tried to sneak out and run to my house. when I got there all I saw was yellow tape!! the hole wasn't there so it was a waste of time coming here then I looked 3 houses down and saw that weird red glow again!!! saw I ran to the house and then I saw it the hole was there again I started crying then my voice was gone again!!!!! then I saw the thing that took my parents it was in the house looking for more helpless victims!!!!!!!!!!!! blood hit the window and that made me run into the house to find the creature pulling the parents from there room. I tired to hit the creature but nothing worked!!! saw I followed the creature out side and he began to jump in the hole but I throw a chair at him of course he got mad!!!he began to throw rocks at me I cried in pain but fought back as much as I could. but he was winning.  I then remembered that in school we were learning about monsters and they always have a weakness but it was mythical creatures. but I was desperate so I grabbed a cross and stabbed it with the cross. it burned it really bad that when I realized it must have been a DEMON I was more scared then ever before. he then pushed me in my chest and I went flying across the street and I was knocked out. while I was knocked I thought about how it took my parents and how it made me feel. then I thought about the kid that was getting his parents taken right now!!!! his life will be ruined just as it did mine!! why is this happening??? why did this happen??? who was doing this!!! I woke up and the demon jumped down the hole!! I ran to the hole and jumped finally able to scream I screamed at the top of my lungs but it was no use!!!!!!!!!!!!! the inside of the hole was dark hot and horrible I could feel the pressure changing as we went farther down the hole!!!

Lizzy isn't here today im surprised I even came, I thought to myself, but my parents have been gone for 6 weeks and im tired of looking and not succeeding and well I need to start getting my grades back up!!!!!! I have gotten 60's for the past 5 weeks and my college wont like that on my record. nobody believes my story about the demons taking them!!! I didn't even believe myself. im worthless I really hope I don't start cutting again!!!!!!! ugh I wish Lizzy was here so I can see how she was doing after Tuesday night when the demon attacked us she got pretty beat up, we told the cops we got jumped  I wish I would've told them the truth but I didn't want them to look at me like I was crazy again but anyways today was weird my lab partner benny was kind of acting all creepy and jumpy I will talk to him in lunch after calculus...........................................................finally lunch time ah lets see fake beef stinky mac n cheese oh and don't forget rotten milk!! oh look there's benny ima go talk to him. I asked him questions like why was he acting strange? then he told me the thing I hoped wasn't real!!!!!!!!!! he said his parents were taken by demons and that he went into the hole but something threw him out that's why he was bruised. after lunch I went home sick and thought about what benny told me and I called Lizzy but she didn't answer. I was so scared that night when I went to bed I had a dream/nightmare about me going into the hole and there was blood everywhere and fire burning my parents lizzy's parents and benny's parents alive I tried to scream but of course m voice was gone!!!!!! I woke upit was 12:01am I got a drink of water and thought about why my voice disappears every time the demons come?.......................OMG!!!! hear no evil see no evil speak no evil!! but I could still hear and see the demon hmmm this puzzled me throughout the rest of the night by 3:20am I was sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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