Figured out

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I..... I could see myself. As in seeing two of me at the same time. My old body was in a casket, and my new body was standing straight up staring at the corps. I turned around to see what else I could see with my new eyes. I saw a church filled with friends and family members.

Just from scanning the room every one was crying. Everyone except my daughter, Sky. I walked over to her and stopped right in front of her. Her head didn't move. She just stared at the coffin. I studied her. Her long, curly, dirty blonde hair. Her young face only aged 16 years from birth. Her perfect body. Suitable for the husband of her dreams.

Without thinking I spoke.

"Why aren't you crying? Aren't you sad that I'm gone? Your own father?"

I quickly covered my mouth. She didn't budge. Couldn't she hear me? Suddenly everything turns to white.

I found myself standing in my living room holding my son when he was a newborn. Suddenly my 5 year old daughter ran in.

"Hey daddy wanna play?"

"Not now Sky I'm feeding your brother."

"But dad you promised."

"Sky I said no! Now please leave."


"I said leave."

I stared at the past version of myself.

Catching the corner of my eye I saw Sky run to her room. I followed her leaving my past self in the living room . I followed her to the small pink room. Then I overheard Sky talking to one of her stuffed animals.

"Sammie. Why does dad never have time for me? I mean I know babies have to be taken care

of but, dad uses it as an excuse to not spend time with me. Oh Sammie thanks for always being there for me."

I saw her hug that worn out raggedy rabbit.

I yelled to her.

"You little brat! I did everything. You wanted me to I played games, cooked your favorite meals and kept the house all at the same time. I'm sorry your mother died and I couldn't spend much time with you! I know it wasn't fair. Life's not fair!" I paused to catch my breath. "You still can't hear me can you?" I said.

I heard my past voice call Sky's name.

"Sky! Dinner."

She looked up.

That was the last thing I saw when everything turned white.

Everything was still white, however I can still see.

" Alright," I said. "the joke's over. Am I being pranked? How did you get all that on video? That was years ago."

The white like fog began to disappear. I began to see color. I saw my daughter just like I did earlier today. Wearing all black. Same perfect, curly blonde hair. She was sitting in a living room. The black couch matched her dress. The walls were covered with red paint. Suddenly my sister in law, krista, walked in.

" Hey Sky, how are you doing sweetie?" krista said.

"I'm okay," She replied. "I just don't understand."

"Understand what Sky?"

"Why I didn't cry today. I mean funerals are supposed to be sad. And I didn't tear up once." Sky said while holding krista's hand.

"Well sweetie," Krista began. "Sometimes emotions don't come on que. Sometimes it comes when we least expect it. It may register to you when you think hard about it. You might be in denial and you don't want to believe that he's gone."

"Maybe your right Krista. Thanks for helping me understand."

I saw Krista and Sky hug and Cameron ran in.

"Hey!" Cameron said. " Let's go I'm starving and Uncle Jef is waiting."

"We're coming Cameron." Sky said.

I watched Sky run down the stairs to the car.

What is this about? I thought to myself.

Again everything fades.

I found myself standing in a talk show studio. Sky looked beautiful. She looked like a star. Suddenly I heard applause. The show was picking up where they left off.

"So Sky," the host said, "Personally I loved the book you wrote. Could you please give us a background of the story?"

"Sure Kim, I would love to. I based the book Figured Out on my life."

"Oh really." Kim replied. " So the fact that your dead father could be here right now and we would never know?"

"Well yeah, totally."

"Well next time on the show, we will talk with Ronnie Nelson about her book To Tell A Lie. We'll see you next time, goodbye."

There was more applause and everyone started to leave.

I made my way onto the stage where Sky was. She looked much older. About 22 years. I overheard Kim talk to Sky once again.

"Great job Ms. Sky I really enjoyed your book."

"Thanks. I love the show."

Kim patted her on the shoulder and headed towards her dressing room.

Later Sky was joined by her aunt Krista, uncle Jef, and her 17 year old brother Cameron.

"You did amazing, Sky. We are so proud of you!" krista said.

"Thanks, I wish mom was here."

"Oh honey she would have been so proud. You know that your father would be too." Jef said.

"No he wouldn't be. My father was a jerk. I don't think he could ever be proud of me." Sky said.

Tears swelled in my eyes.

"Sky," I began. "you're right I was a jerk. I wish I could make it up to you."

I walked up behind her and whispered into her ear.

"I love you."

Suddenly she looked around. It was a reaction I haven't seen before.

"Did you hear that?" Sky said.

"Hear what Sky?" Cameron asked.

"A whisper that said. I love you."

"I didn't hear anything."

"Maybe it was nothing."

I began to notice that I was moving backwards.

I began to yell

"No. No... No! She finally heard me! Give me a little more time! Sky, Sky, Sky!!!!!!

I jumped up. I looked around. I was in my bed room. It.... It was just a dream. I climbed out of the bed and ran to Sky's room.

I knocked gently and opened the door.

"Sky?" I whispered.

"Yeah dad?"

"I know I don't tell you this enough, but I love you."

She picked her head up from her pillow and looked at me with a soft smile.

"I love you too daddy."

I gently closed the door and went back to my room.

I learned a lot through that dream. I will never make that mistake again.

I covered up and went back to sleep.

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