my story

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One sunny day I was walking on the highway and came upon an old man. The old man said "I
have no food Mr. may you please be a kind gentleman and give me some"?
I had no food so I asked him if I could run into town and get him some food.
When I came back I gave him the food he put his hand out and said "baluset (bail-loose-et)".
The ground started to shake and I started to shrink smaller and smaller, I was tiny.
The next thing I knew I was in a green room, but I poked my head out and the room was me.
What am I? Where am I? All these thoughts running through my head, finely I manage to yell out "what
did you do to me!"
"You will figure it out" then he disappeared in a flash.
I called the cops. Then they came to the road. "Over here" I said
"Oh, there you are. So, where is this wizard?"
"I don't know he just disappeared".
"Was he in a black coat?"
"Yes" I said.
The next day the news was on and it said "there is a wizard on the loose"
"What?" I said.
The cop's barged in. "I am sorry that the wizard is still on the loose".
"Do I have to stay like this for the rest of my life?"
"No you don't"
"Ok good I am safe"
"Sir, the wizard was located on swires road"
"Ok we will be there"
"Sorry but we have to go"
"Ok" I said.
The next hour or two the cops called me and they said "we cot the
wizard" yes! Then I started to grow and grow then I realized what I was I was a turtle. The next day I had a talk with the wizard and I figured out how he
turned me in to a turtle .when I went to go get him some food he put a
potion on me. When I came back, he said baluset witch made me a
The next year I told my friends about what happened to me. All of
them liked the story.

(c)Isaiah the story maker: dragonfly; the Ticknor family

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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