A Bump In The Road

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     "Now I would like to welcome up my best friend, maid of honor, Cassidy Elizabeth Paxton!" announced Laura into the microphone. All the wedding guests soon clapped as Cassie got up from her seat and headed up on the stage. Cassie grabbed the microphone as if it was nothing. "Hey y'all I'm Cassie. Now I would just like to point out I've known Laura longer than her own brother, Tyler. Although, Lily you beat me." smiled Cassie. Some of the relatives of Laura soon started to laugh. "So in saying that, Laura is mine and has always been mine. So John just remember we got married twenty years ago. That's right I called dibs and no givesies backsies." giggled Cassie. The whole room soon erupted into laughter. "Alright, alright down to the mushy stuff. Laura Annalise Jones, you will always be Laura Jones to me and not Laura Scott, just saying. Now we've been friends for twenty-eight years now. We've gone through so much. Whether it was singing break up songs when one of us got dumped or having sleep overs and eating like shit till four in the morning. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're the sister I never had, and no offense to my little sister. But thank you Laura for all you have done. John you are an incredibly lucky man and I wish the best to you. So raise your glasses to John and Laura Scott!" said Cassie raising her champagne glass. 

     Laura then rushed up behind her best friend and wrapped her into a giant hug. Cassie and Laura soon started giggling like they were eight again. Cassie turned her head to see a too familiar face. Cassie quickly put the microphone back on its stand. "Um Laura I gotta go." stuttered Cassie. "You okay?" asked Laura with a worried face. "I gotta go." sighed Cassie wiggling out from her best friends hug and rushing off stage. Cassie looked back to see her best friend very confused. She mouthed "I'm sorry" before grabbing her things from her seat and walking away as fast as she could. But the old track star couldn't be fast enough. Cassie couldn't think straight and before she knew it she was bumping into someone. "Ugh, I'm sorry." apologized Cassie looking up. "No problem." smiled the guy. "Uh hey Aaron." stuttered Cassie. "Cassie!" gasped Aaron in surprise. "Yeah bye Aaron." rushed Cassie speed walking out of the room and away from Aaron.

     Cassie got to her car, threw her stuff in the passenger seat and took off. "This can't be happening. What is he doing here? Why was he invited?" thought Cassie whose thoughts were going a mile a minute. The twenty minute car ride felt like an hour. She parked her car in the parking deck and took the elevator up to the fourth floor to where her apartment was. Cassie stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall before arriving to her apartment. "Your back a little earlier than I expected." said a voice that made Cassie jump as she was fumbling with her apartment keys. "Agh! Ah Travis hey yea. Something came up and I had to come back earlier than later." sighed Cassie. "Hey is everything alright?" worried Travis. "I'm just tired. I'll see you tomorrow Trav." sped Cassie who had finally got into her one bedroom apartment. 

     Cassie closed the door behind her and she slid down to the wooden floor. Cassie buried her head in her knees. A few seconds later she was greeted with licking on her arms. Cassie looked up to see her yellow lab, Lady with her point lynx siamese cat, Chess sitting a foot away. "Hey you two." smiled Cassie feeling all the stress melt away as she petted her two pets. "Come on you two lets go to bed." sighed Cassie getting up off the floor and walking towards her bedroom. 

     Cassie got ready for bed, but before passing out sent Laura an apology text. "Hey Laura sorry about earlier. I saw someone there and ran into them. I think u knw who they r. Anyway congrats to u and John. Love u girly." After sending the text Cassie rolled over in her queen sized bed and fell asleep next to Lady and Chess. 

I hope y'all enjoy this! It's very different but I feel like this story could do very well. Remember this is only the first chapter. So your feedback is VERY appreciated. Love y'all -Violinist16 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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