Twilight moments

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It were those moments at twilight that made him question his reality. Where his thoughts kept rambling on and he was questioning his sanity. Those moments between night and dawn, when it's not morning but not night anymore. When the shadows of the upcoming day would crack through his curtains and the lights would dance slowly on her sleeping figure. In those moments he was almost sure this must be a dream, it was too good to be true, she was too good to be his. He watched her with admiration, his hazel eyes sparkling with the excitement of a child. Her chest rose and fell steadily, some strands of her snow white hair were fallen into her angelic, calm face. Dark lashes were fluttering slowly, was she dreaming? He felt no fear anymore, no more dark thoughts were haunting his devastated mind. He could rest here for all eternity, watching this beauty sleeping, her scent lingering sweetly onto his sheets. He could feel her warmth, as she was only a few centimeters away from him. How did he even deserve this? She accepted him truly, she loved him for who he was. She was not afraid of the shadows haunting him, nor of the person he used to be. She took his bads with his goods and he wasn't afraid to be himself. He didn't even know who he really was until he met her. She was like a light, guiding him through the darkness that was his life. She was radiant. He reached out his hand to touch her, but stopped a few inches before. Was he really allowed to do this? Was he allowed to touch something so pure, so divine? He already could feel the tingling sensation on the tips of his fingers. A feeling that he would always get when he touched her. It was sending shivers down his spine and made his chest feel warm, his heart already aching by the thought of having to let go of her. He sure was touchy before, but with her it was different. If he could, he would hold her hands all day, be close to her the whole time. He felt like her touch would heal him, would keep away all the darkness hidden inside him. Everything would eventually just vanish around him. It would be only her and him, and a calm, soft feeling of happiness. How can you love someone so much? So much that you want to live for them? A smile played on his lips and he inhaled a sharp breath before his fingers smoothly connected with her velvet skin. He brushed some of the fallen strands behind her ear. The rhythm of her breathing suddenly became unsteady, her features trembling a little before her eyes fluttered open. Golden orbs meeting his gaze. Her eyes immediately got a soft and loving touch, even though her brain might not have been able to process everything as she just woke up. "What are you doing Osamu?", her voice was hoarse, full of sleepiness. She shifted to her side, facing him directly. "Why aren't you sleeping?", it was more her lips forming silent words, instead of actual sounds. But he wouldn't need them, he would be always able to understand her, only by looking in those oceans of honey. A bright smile appeared on his face, he was pulling an arm around her, dragging her closer to him. She immediately nuzzled her face into his chest, inhaling his calming scent, feeling the heat of his body and hearing his heartbeat. She was already half asleep when he answered "Nothing, I'm just loving you", and he could feel the answer on his chest, when her lips formed a silent "I love you, too"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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