the tunnel

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Light bright light at the end of the tunnel. I don't know how I got here but I know I died. The other side is dark. I think this is the way to heaven. For I am going to go to the bright side it will lead me to everlasting life.

I got to get there I thought to myself. How long does it take to get there? I can't wait till I get there. I want to see my daughter. What if she's not there? I need to stop thinking about that.

I arrived at the end and I could see the light. I walked in, the entrance disappeared there was no way out. Then I noticed the flames, there everywhere, I just walked into HELL! How did I do this? No. no. no.

"This is a dream right!"

"Shhhhhh!" I heard from behind me.

"Don't attract the demons!"

"Well I just got here." I said.

"You're not going to stay here long either."

"And get DOWN."

I was filled with fear I didn't know what to do, I had just walked in to death. I need to get out. I'm going to go with these 7 people. I just want to go back. Now I can't see my daughter. I wish I had double checked the drill before turning it on.


I miss you cathren and I love you. I saw a demon come towards me so I hid with the others. It seemed to be the whole place of hell wanted to go to heaven but they can't find a way out.

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