Skye POV

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I wake up to someone sharpening their sword. ''Wass sup buttercup?'' asks my half brother Sherman. ''Uh what ever I'll take you on right now.'' I said jumping out of bed ready to fight with my golden swords ready to fight. I charged and hit him on the stomach but he got back up and all you could hear was our swords clanging. Finally he fell and I won. ''You got lucky this time Skye.'' he muttered as he walked away. I showered dressed and eat breakfast. ''Love wait up for me.'' yelled Mira Ranches daughter of Aphrodite. ''I am not your love.'' I yelled to her. ''I know but British people say love like wait up love or what are you doing love?'' she wiggled. ''So what are we doing today? Jakey  wanted us to come and participate in the sword fight contest thing.'' Mira said.Jake or Jakey is Mira's boy friend  ''A contest sure I'll join.' I said happily. 

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