Chapter 1

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Worst Day Ever. I hadn't even woken up and my mum was already shouting at me and my dad. I know I messed up but I don't know what she wants me to do about it, I can't really go back in time can I. I hardly knew that everyone was going to find out, but this is my life I can do what I want and make my own mistakes. He said I could trust him but he lied, its not my fault! To be honest though I don't care he makes me happy and I still love him.

I haul myself out of bed and trudge into the bathroom. I strip and get into the shower, i turn on the water and feel it run down my back. I sit down and let the water run over me, I begin to cry. I get out after fifteen minutes and brush my teeth. When i'm done i put on a full face of makeup with a bright red lipstick. I get into my grey pencil skirt and my white shirt, i go over to a mirror and start brushing my hair. I let it go curly and tie half of it up so it's out my face but pull out two little pieces that frame my face.

I run downstairs and grab a cup of coffee that had been left out on the side. I drink it while i text my boyfriend James, I ask if we were still going out tonight but he had just got home from his shift at the restraunt. I pick up my keys and put on my black heels, suddenly my mum runs downstairs and starts shouting. "You better not leave, we have only ever looked after you so don't you dare leave and go back to him! He is evil, you can do so much better than him! I will call the police if you're not home after work!" I feel the tears sting my eyes, i'm not going to cry because then she wins and I can't let her win. "fine, but don't expect me to forgive you after what you've done. This is all you're fault!" 

I storm out the house unlock my car and just sit there for a secound. I take some deep breaths and check I haven't ruined my makeup. I turn on the car engine and begin to drive, I turn onto the main road and start thinking about what's happened. I get so mad i feel my temper rising, I just want to shout at her. I turn onto the motor way and try and focus on the road, but i always seem to end up thinking about what happened. I close my eyes without even thinking and when i open them there's a car right in frount of me.

"Shit! Oh My God!" I scream. Everythings black. I can't see or move. All I can do is hear but all I hear are sirens. I want to cry and talk to James, he understands. I don't know I just want to be with him. I feel so calm and peaceful. Suddenly I feel hands on my shoulders and someone start to shake me, they say "Hello can you hear me? If you can squeeze my hand" It's a women, she touches my hand and I try so hard to squeeze it but nothing happens. I start to cry, I feel a tear fall down my cheek then I hear her say "It's Ok, I know your alive we're going to get you to a hospital" When she says that I feel so calm. She said exactly what I needed to hear. 

I get taken into a helicopter and flown to the nearest hospital. They put me on drips well I think because they stab needles into my arm and hand. I just want to ask whats going on but I can't. When we get to the hospital loads of people are talking. They realise it's me, the hospital receptionist and get my details up. I hear them say that they are going yo send me for an x-ray and a brain scan to see if I have brain damage. I see like this happen all the time but i'd never thought it would happen to me. Now I understand why people have to get mental help after this because it's the most traumatising experience I think anyone can actually go through. Like I really would have just excepted the fact she was mad at me but now I can't. I can't apoligise or tell her I love her and now I might never get the chance to. I can't believe this happened over one fight, Now i've really messed up.

They keep talking about what happened but no one will really know the truth until I can actually talk and explain. I just keep thinking about the person I crashed into, what if they had a family? What if i killed them? What if, What if, What if! I need to calm down but everything that's happened like with james and my mum and now the crash that's all my fault. I know my mums only ever tried to help me but I just push her away and now when I need her the most it's because of a stupid fight we had about a guy that I love but is irrelivent when it comes to my family. I just hope that i will be able to move soon because then i'll be able to write what I have to say. I wonder if ginny and gordan will come visit me aswell they will probably come as soon as they find out but I know it will be awkward seeing as they broke up a couple weeks ago. Another thing that was my fault, I shouldn't have lead him on even though I did have some feelings for him I love james. James is my life he understands what I go through even though I don't know how to put it into words. Everything has been messed up by my one stupid mistake that just spiraled out of control.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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