She changed me

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Yeah this is how I like it pretty boys and girls all around me almost begging for some of my attention. Me and Veronica we're making the boys crazy dancing sexy with each other. Girls, boys I don't care I love it both. Although most of my friends are straight they think i'm still amazing. Course they should thinking that I mean look at me. Wearing a short sexy dress with sparkly heels nobody could resist me and I loved it. I was just starting to flirt with another boy on the bar... But than... A amazingly pretty girl came in. She was nothing like the persons I mostly went for but somehow I find her very attractive. I was about to walk over to the girl.

'Ugh look at that nerd Rxanne' Veronica started.

'Yeah just don't pay attention to that freak' Amber added.

'Lady's..Lady's let's go to the other side of the club alright' Marco said to them.

I wanted to say something but I didn't dare what if they start to think i'm weird to. No that can't happen. I mean without friends what am I really. That's right just some nerd ugh nope never want that. But than again if they are my friends they respect me anyways right. Am I willing to take even such big risk after she is just another girl in a world full of pretty people. I can get whoever I want. Yes I should just follow my friends she is indeed just a weirdo nothing worth to spend attention to.

'Hey Britney do you want to get some shots with me?' 

'Huh what' I said oh damn it I was so in thought I forgot that people still needed my attention.

'Its me Nicole oh c'mon you're we're party bitches remember' She said in her bitchy voice. Course I didn't forgot about her she was a part of my group.

'Course let's get some shots my bitch where is the fun without getting drunk right?' I replied hoping she didn't notice her at the first time.

Me and Nicole went to the bar 'Get us some sweet drinks please' Nicole said in a flirty voice.

'Sure baby' the barman answered giving her a small wink 'its on the house'.

'Thank you sweetie' She said and she did the get your hand trough your hair move. He he felt for it and he handed us the free drinks.

We drank it, I could feel the amazing feeling from the alcohol since this wasn't my first drink tonight.

The song Morning sun from Miley Cyrus came on, I liked this party song. I looked for some boys and girls and enjoyed the attention they gave me. I loved it when they begged me to dance with them it made me feel wanted. Being wanted is the best feeling ever if you ask me. My party bitches Amber, Veronica and Nicole joined me. Marco came demanding to dance for him course we listened after all he was the leader from our group. As a reward for entertaining him we got more drinks. yes I loved drinks they made me feel free and that I could what ever. Like this night would go on forever. Feeling free from my boundry's I started to make out with my friends. The other people in the club couldn't take their eyes off us. Course they couldn't my group was the most popular group at the moment.

I kissed a girl came from Katy Perry started to play. Another song I loved. This evening was amazing.

I was dancing and dancing, getting free drinks having the time of my life. But than one of the girls got to drunk so since we are also a close group we decided to find everyone and go home. I actually didn't felt like going home not now Love game from Lady gaga came on. Oh well better next time. We all took a cab to our houses since we're way to drunk to drive ourselves. With all the alcohol in my body and the dancing I started to feel like I wanted to sleep. Well seems the timing wasn't that bad after all.

The car finally pulled in my street damn it I really wanted my bed.

'Please mister drive harder' I giggled not knowing what I was doing. 

The cab driver ignored me and just stopped in front of my house than asking for his money. I grabbed my money out of my purse and payed the men. Walking like some idiot not being able to walk straight. I managed to reach my front door. I pushed my door real hard. 

'You fucking door open' I yelled. Oh wait right I didn't unlock it yet.

'Nevermind' I yelled again.

I searched my keys and when I finally find them I opened the door. Way to wasted to even make it upstairs. I just walked over the couch and let me fall on there. 

'Finally' I sighed while closing my eyes not being bothered that I was still fully dressed. As I lay down on my soft couch I felt asleep.

I was sitting on a park bench. I didn't had any clue how I came here or what I was doing here. I was just suddenly there. I felt like leaving but at the same... I just couldn't. It didn't made any sense to me. I was about to scream what the fuck am I here get me out of there until... A girl in black skinny jeans, a shirt from Paramore and baby blue hair walked towards me. I had no words she was so beautiful. Why did I felt like that. I never hang out with those kind of people. What was even more strange I had the weird feeling I had met her before. I couldn't take my eyes of her. She came sit next to me. I looked in the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen and she looked in my dark brown eyes. 

'Hello beautiful' She spoke in a sweet voice. I felt like I was under a spell. Not just a spell but her spell. And I loved it. I wanted to answer but I couldn't get a word out of my mouth. I just kept staring in her beautiful eyes. 

'Its okay don't worry you don't have to speak my dear' She spoke with that soft voice again. 

But I wanted to talk,. I wanted to give her a complement. I wanted to do at least something. Before I could think of something...

'My name is Roxy promise me to never forget my name and I will be yours' She spoke.

I wanted her so bad. But not how I normally wanted people. They we're just sex nothing more than that. But her I just wanted to be with her. I felt butterflies in my belly. 

I was still unable to speak so I just nodded in a response.

Roxy tilted her head a bit to the left and leaned over to me. She came closer and closer. And than...

She kissed me, I could feel the warm perfect lips touch mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She putted her around my neck. We just kissed like there was only us. Nothing else but just us matters. I never felt that way before. I never wanted this moment to end...

Sunlight came through the windows waking me up. But I didn't want to wake up yet. Though there was no escaping. I tried to fall back asleep wanting to continue my dream but I couldn't. I tried to think back of my dream. Ugh my head hurt because of the alcohol I drank yesterday. I tried to think once more why was that girl so familiar. I thought and thought. And than it hit me. That girl was the same girl from yesterday at the club. 

Okay Britney you better forget about this dream you don't want to lose your friends remember. Besides their wasn't such thing as true love anyways. I really didn't know the girl. It must have been my imagination. Yes that was it. The alcohol was to blame nothing else. Ugh what I was thinking silly me. 

Authors note:  I know this beginning might be a bit cliche but I promis this story won't be cliche its just the beginning remember that now letting you know that please leave a comment with what you think of it and if you like it please vote thank you my little angels 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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