Home Alone [Flintceschi Oneshot]

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   Josh loved being home alone. There was a certain sense of freedom of being in the situation when the rest of his family were out of the house. You could do almost anything at all. You could have your choice of what to watch on TV, you could walk around the house completely naked, you could blend together whatever you wanted. You could even blend together anything you wanted, while watching TV naked.

   Today Josh’s mum had decided to take the rest of Josh’s family to see their grandparents, but Josh had managed to wiggle out of it by saying how much homework he had to complete. Of course he wasn’t actually planning on doing the homework. No. In fact, he found himself instead lounging around in his boxers and having an Inbetweeners marathon. He was slurping away on an innocent smoothie, when he heard a knock at the door.

   Josh peeped through the spy hole in the door and saw a mass of bleached blonde hair covered with a snapback. Dan. He opened the door, greeting him with a “Hey Princess.”

   “Hey Joshzilla,” he replied looking Josh over, a smirk on his face.

   Shit. Josh had forgotten about his state of undress. His ears started to turn red out of embarrassment and he went to hide a little behind the door as Dan walked inside.

   “Awehh Joshy, are you home alone?” he asked, poking the underdressed boy in my stomach, making him laugh a little. “Let me guess, you’re watching The Inbetweeners,” with that he walked into the living room, but not before tapping his boxer clad ass as he passed. Josh yelped slightly out of surprise and he laughed as he sat down on the sofa.

   Josh quickly grabbed his coat and put it on before going back into the room. He felt a little weird with his legs bare and the rest of his body covered, but it was an improvement.

   “Josh, what are you doing?” Dan asked as Josh sat down next to him, looking rather odd, but surprisingly sexy in the quilted coat.

   “Uhm...” he didn’t quite know how to explain, so he just came out with it. “I’m embarrassed.”

   “Aweehh, Josh, it’s not like I haven’t seen you shirtless before,” he winked, sending a shiver down the vocalist’s spine.

   “I know, but that was...on tour.”

   “And?” Dan looked up at the brunette beauty next to him, a pout overtaking his lips as he fiddled with the buttons on the younger’s green Barbour jacket. “So, just because we’ve finished tour that means that I don’t get to see your delightful body?” He undid one button with his hand, slowly making his way to the next. “Because you know, I don’t think that’s going to work for me.” Another button was opened, and another. Now there were only three more to go until Dan reached his prize. “One of the highlights of tour was definitely seeing your smoking hot body prancing around the tour bus.” The blonde sighed heavily, “but I suppose that I’ll just have to wait until the next tour...or,” Dan popped open the final button, leaving Josh’s chest exposed. “Oops.”

   Josh whimpered as Dan’s hand trailed up and down his chest lightly. He couldn’t deny that he wasn’t enjoying it; it was just that it was rather embarrassing being half naked, while Dan was there fully dressed. The older boy nestled his head into the crook of Josh’s neck, kissing it gently over and over. Josh sighed as he felt himself calm a little at the feathery kisses against his skin. He pulled Dan into his lap, caressing his face softly with a single finger. He kissed the blondes nose, causing him to giggle cutely in his grasp, still resting his hand on the exposed chest.

   “Hey, how comes you’re not half naked too huh?” Josh finally asked.

   “Well, I’m not the one who’s home alone having an Inbetweeners marathon in my boxers.” Josh began to tug a little at the hem of Dan’s shirt, hinting that he was far from happy about the fact that it was still on. “But, seeing as it’s you Fransexy,” he winked at the name that slipped from his lips, causing Josh to just about melt in front of him. “I suppose I could make an exception.” He went to the hem of his shirt, about to lift it up when he heard a key in the door. Shit.

   He dropped his shirt back into place and just about jumped out of Josh’s lap and to the other side of the sofa, as Josh tried to fix his coat. They focused on the TV, trying to look as natural as possible as everyone came into the house. Josh’s mum was the first one to come into the living room

   “Hi Dan,” she greeted the blonde boy and he smiled and waved at her. Then she noticed her son looking as if he wanted the sofa to eat him, and to be honest, right about now, he wouldn’t have minded. She took in his appearance, his coat covering his bare chest and his lack of trousers. “Joshua, what on earth are you doing dressed like that? Especially when you have a guest around.” Josh’s face reddened a little and he bit his cheek, which Dan found more than appealing. “Go and put on some clothes.” Josh did as his mum said, rushing upstairs, a flustered mess.

   He came back downstairs, clothed this time in a Drop Dead shirt and those tight jeans that Dan adored. Dan smiled at Josh, making him giggle as he bit his lip adorably. Dan wandered over to him, leaning up, tongue flicking against his ear causing Josh to shiver noticeably.

   “Next time you’re home alone, ring me okay?” He bit the brunette’s ear lobe gently causing his legs to buckle slightly. They jumped apart as Josh’s mum called them for dinner. And although the rest of Josh’s family were there, that didn’t stop them from holding hands under the table and sharing secret looks when no one else was looking. They were a sneaky pair, but that’s just how they roll. 

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   So if you haven't gathered already, then yep, I'm pretty much in love with Flintceschi. I'm thinking of switching it up next time with a new pairing perhaps? What do you think about this? What's your fave ymas pairing? Or your favourite pairing in general? 

   I really hope that you liked this! Comments and votes are always more than welcome!

   Stay Awesome

       With Love, Jack xx 

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