A Day at the Daycare

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Hikaru sighed. She laid her head on the front desk, letting her brown hair roll onto it. Business is slow...Hikaru grumbled to herself. Hikaru's Gardevoir looked numbly at her trainer, before bonking the child on the head with a book.


"Sit up, you don't know when customers are gonna come in...and it'll look unprofessional if you slouch." 

Hikaru puffed up her cheeks, staring back at her beloved partner. "Chord, no one has come in since yesterday...I think I can have the liberty to slouch a little bit..."

Chord rolled her eyes and went back to cleaning up the daycare. Leaning back in her chair, Hikaru looked up at the ceiling inattentively. 


Hours have seemed to pass by, when a young gentleman came in. Hikaru jumped up excitedly, nearly knocking over her chair in the process.

"I'd like to drop off my pokemon. I'll pick them up in 4 hours...." The young trainer smiled. He placed down two pokeballs on the desk.

"Okay. That'll be 200 poke please...." And so the trainer left...and now it was time to get to work.

Hikaru's finger traced the grooves on one of the pokeballs, her eyes following the black gap. Picking the pokeballs up, she headed to the backyard.


The backyard was green and lush. To the left, there's a worn playground with a donphan slide and to the right, there's a makeshift lake that glittered in the sunlight. Dashing through the water was Hikaru's Lanturn.

The lanturn poked his head out of the water, watching as his trainer lifts up the foreign pokeballs up to her chest.

"Who's that?"

"I'm not sure yet...but we'll both find out soon." Hikaru smiled, clicking the all too familiar button, letting the Espeon and Jolteon it contained. 

The jolteon opened his eyes first, glancing back and forth and the unfamiliar surroundings, then immediately jumping away from the strange little girl. Very much unlike his partner.

The Espeon's eyes glimmered and glistened, staring straight through her. Calmly, putting a paw on Jolteon's side.

"Well, I'm going to trust you to watch them, Allegro....I'm gonna go ahead and start the bath."

"Sounds good." Allegro nodded, looking over the two eeveelutions carefully.


After, drawing the bath, Hikaru went to go get the two new pokemon. When she walked out to the backyard, she found an egg next to the Espeon and the Jolteon.

"...I wonder where this egg came from..." Hikaru mumbled to herself. She turned her attention towards the pond. "Hey, Allegro, where'd the egg come from?

Allegro popped his head out, nervously looking back and forth. "Uhhh....well....uhhh...I'm not quite sure either....mmmhmm...yep...it just appeared...." 

"Huh. That's strange. Oh well. Anyway, come on you two, I'll give you a bath before your trainer comes back."

With an affirmative "eon", they went forward to the bathroom."


Many hours later, the young gentleman came back. 

"Hello, are you here to pick up your pokemon?"

"Ah, yes...."

"Here you are." Hikaru smiled while handing the pokeballs back. "Oh! Also...we found an egg when we were cleaning up after your pokemon....I'm not quite sure where it came from...but you want it, right?"

".....Uhhh.....Wait....did they-" The young gentleman quickly went red. "N-No, it's fine, you can keep the egg. Bye!"

And he quickly walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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