The Sappy Rant 1.3% of Readers ACTUALLY Read

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So, 1K followers... that's... not a lot, you might think, compared to what other people have. But to me, it's near unfathomable. Every time I go to my profile to post or respond to a message on my board, I see 1K above "Followers" and I just... stop... for a few seconds. I stop and smile, and then I think, One thousand people found some reason that they liked my profile and/or myself as a person; one thousand people hit that follow button. Why? I mean, it's a great addition to this little community; but why did they do it?
And then I proceed to post or reply with whatever I was going to say. It has been almost two years since I joined Wattpad, and let me say this: it's been an incredible journey. I went from horrible grammar and barely any writing skills to a draft section full of cool ideas just waiting to be executed, and then published for the world to see! I kid you not, I have almost fourty drafts. Fourty. And I already have quite a few published works. So, what else can I say, except for thank you. Thank you, all of you, for this great experience that has so much more to it from here, onwards. I love you all. ❤

And, ah, since this is supposed to be a one thousand followers special, I want to do what the followers want. So, what do you want, beans? I won't put any ideas; I want to see what you end up wanting from your own thoughts and feelings! Thank you all so, so much for 1K followers! To end, I'm gonna leave a list of awesome beans that have made my Wattpad experience especially amazing:


These beans have supported me frequently on Wattpad, made me laugh, and I feel I can say I've become good friends with all of them. I love all of you, however, and I can't wait to see your ideas for what the special should be!

If you read this far, thank you, and goodbye! Love ya!

~Sanjana ♡

What's Supposed to be A 1K Followers SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now