Chapter one

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(okay so like I mentioned in the description this is a Naruto crossover​, sort of. Orochimaru will be in it and he may be very OOC at times but oh well and Jutsu's will also be in this... Please don't hate me! Also, my good friend Evelyn-Harper will be making all of the outfits, I actually live two doors down from her and she will be helping me with this story. Well that's it for now)

Nathaira = snake

Nathaira felt sadness wash over her as she looked at the grave that held the body of her mother, Chiko, she placed down a Amaryllis on her mother's grave and took in a deep breath to keep herself calm. Anger began to bubble inside of Nathaira as she looked at the grave, she was angry and upset believing her mom didn't deserve to die which she didn't and she also missed her very much, a hiss sounded from next to Nathaira which caused her to look down and see her snake companion, Drago.

Nathaira: "hello, Drago."
Drago: "mistress."

Nathaira could understand snakes and speak to them seeing as her mother was a snake goddess and her father is Orochimaru who is basically a snake. Nathaira faintly smiled at Drago, Drago was a black and blue snake that was larger than a normal snake and three times more poisonous than a Inland Taipan. Drago could also change into a snake that was almost as big as a skyscraper and changed colours so he was purple and black. A hand landed on Nathaira's right shoulder which caused her to snap her head to the person's direction only to see her dad, Orochimaru stood with a sad smile on his face.

Nathaira: "papa, do you miss her?"
Orochimaru: "of course, she would be so proud of you."
Nathaira: "I hope so."
Orochimaru: "i think it's time we go, I'll always allow you to come back when you want to, you know that don't you?"
Nathaira: "yes papa, come Drago."

Drago followed his mistress' order and slithered up her hand which she placed on the floor for him and on to her waist where when he straighted out his head would be level with her own, he lay his head on her shoulder and Orochimaru and Nathaira flickered and were gone.
The pair that you could clearly tell were related appeared in front of a cave that was sealed by a large boulder, they chose a cave because house were not their thing. They both made the correct hand signs and the large rock in front of the cave moved out if the way, they entered their new home and found Kabuto waiting for them, Kabuto was Orochimaru's personal servant of sorts but was more of a brother to Nathaira so even Orochimaru saw him as family.

Kabuto: "you made it safely, Lord Orochimaru, Lady Nathaira."
Nathaira: "brother Kabuto! *Jumps at him in a hug*"

Both Kabuto and Orochimaru laughed at but they both were happy that Nathaira was happy as she was the most important thing to the both of them.

Orochimaru: "come we must have dinner and talk about what is to happen tomorrow."
"Yes Lord Orochimaru/papa."

Kabuto made dinner for himself, Orochimaru and Nathaira and placed each plate on the dining room table and gave Nathaira a plate of large rats which she happily took and sat feeding Drago who had moved to drape​ lazily around his mistress' neck.  The strange family sat and ate their dinner in a comfortable silence before Orochimaru placed down his knife and fork and began to talk, Kabuto and Nathaira continued to eat and only stopped to reply.

Orochimaru: "tomorrow Nathaira will be attending Kunugigaoka Junior High School, because of her history in other schools she will be placed in Class 3-E and also because her fighting skills are so good she will be helping in the assassination of the teacher, Koro-sensei."
Nathaira: "I guess it could be fun."
Orochimaru: "Kabuto and I will take you tomorrow, I know how you get and so does Kabuto."

(Assassination Classroom) -Yūma Isogai-Where stories live. Discover now