the blue rose maiden

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I was born in a family in Texas with five brothers me being the only female in the house hold other then my mom.I go to church every Sunday and come back home eat but pray first and read a book then pray and go to sleep.Its pretty much a cycle of boringness and despare dont get me wrong I love going to the church and hear the interesting stories from the bible but,I want something different.I was in the living room when my mom called me and my brothers to her room.She told us that we weren't being home schooled anymore and that we were going to the university of Texas.My 14 year old brother jason the youngest out of the group asked when we were going to start."next week"mom said "next week!" I said "we have to buy the supplies"I said with a worriersome tone."no worries" mom said "i bought all the supplies"she said.those words made me less stress,I sighed in relief,smiled and walked out of the room.I went outside to the porch and saw blue flowers growing outside the porch "I never seen those before"I thought to myself.My dad walked to the porch were I was at "hey Mary" thats his nick name for me "oh hey dad"i said in a melancholy tone."Why the long face"he said "hmm?oh its just the new school I'm not really used to it"I said "look Mary I know this is a change for you but you'll own up to it"."thanks dad" I said "oh by the way so you know what these blue flowers are called?"I asked "....."he looked strong and hard and a little bit stern.he looked up at me and smiled but in the same time he looked confused "no kiddo it doesn't seem I know what these are"."thats okay dad"he smiled and walked out of the room.I was still thinking about the new school I'm going to I hope it will be good

A week later

I woke with a smell of pancakes on my desk including a note.

I made pancakes with blueberries on top your favorite fruit.oh and remember the school bus is going to pick you up so get dressed.


I put my clothes on ate breakfast and waited for the school bus.I went on the porch and looked at the blue flowers again.I picked the flowers and smelled them they oddly smelled like vanilla.I heard the bus comeing and ran to it with the flowers in my hand.When I ran to the bus I saw four of my brothers Marcus,Jordan,Andy and Steven.We went in side and sat down in different seats of course and I sat down next to a blue eyes,brown hair girl.I tried to make small talk but I decided not to and just use my phone for the rest of the trip.When we got out of the bus to go to school a blonde haired girl approached me and said she was the year book welcomeing commiti. She said her name was Alex and handed me a poster it said something about joining clubs.She showed me around the school and told me alot about the history of this school.I was so relieved that I met someone so nice and kind in the last few seconds standing on school grounds.I didnt noticed that I was holding the flowers but when I did I handed one to her for my gratitude.She looked shocked and told me "this blue rose is a symbol of bueaty and death"I was so confused but fascinated in the same time.She told me she loved the rose and that its very rare to find.I was shocked at her response but I just smiled then she introduced me to her friend Jamie she had brown eyes jet black hair and a white smile that could light up an entire room."hi I'm Jamie what's your name?"she asked with a wide smile "Maria" I said in a shy voice "cool name Maria I see you met Alex".Alex started waveing and makeing a really wide smile "hiiiiiiiiii!" She said we all started laughing.When the tour was done I went to my locker and took out my text books and put in my bookbag and took the bus home.I got back home and turned on the TV in the liveing room.Mom an Dad came in the room and sat next to me then on the news channel it said there was a pride perade.I was enjoying the channel but dad took the remote and changed the channel "what was that for?"I asked in a calm voice "thats disgusting how there is a gay pride perade."yeah what's so wrong with that?!"I said but dad looked at me and sent me up to my room.I started crying then I prayed "why does my dad hate gay people i-i dont understand.

hey guys hoped you liked this part of the story there will be more comeing up soon PS.I'm not a homophone I support the LGBT+ community so if your gay,lesbian,bisexual, transgender,queer or pan I'm hear and if you want we can chat bye

Maria Darzel (LGBT+ drama)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora