One Addiction to Another

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I smelled bacon and eggs . i sat up slowly not knowing were i was at . I felt weird and different i didn't know what happened or whose bedroom i was in . i seen a woman's pair of blue thongs i assumed they belonged to me . i lift my smoothly shaved legs and slipped the thongs on and grabbed the red dress and put it on. then he walked in, as i was standing in the long mirror in the mirror i could see him clear as day. i seen a man who stood six foot tall,dark black hair with a navy hair cut ,hazel eyes ,slim but muscular.The man then looked at me intensly and said were do you think you are going? Umm home i don't know who you are or where i am but i do know i simply partyed way to hard .then i bend down grab my clogs and push on past the dark handsome guy and said who is cooing if you are up here bsbysitting me?the man then says oh thats my room -mate and by the way she brought you home not me but if you insist please do leave . i looked at him confusingly ,and thinking to myself oh my god i became a lesbian last night the drugs and the drinking are going have to go and i giggle to i really do love how i wake up some were new every morning im just going to slid past this room mate and get out of here befor i remember something i dont want to . i lightly walk down the stairs which unfortunatly squeeked to every movement and after like 5 steps i herd a soft fragil voice coming from a distance and it said " irene ,is that you are you finally up ? i then started freaking out this room-mate new my name a name i never use atleast not on a first time basis i always go by candy. so i am freaing out more than usual and i pretend i dont here the voice and bolt out the door. then out the the dark handsome man shouts at me scaring the shit out of me i run into a tree hitting my head and i see nithing but darkness.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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