Your Greatest Fear

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Eddie stood still as It turned into his worst fear.

It was Richie.

Richie/It had claw marks on his chest with blood pouring out of them. His glasses were cracked to Hell and there was a yellow balloon tied to his wrist.

"C'mon, Eddie-Spaghetti. It's fun. We all float. Come with me, and you'll float too."

Eddie let out a sob, falling to his knees. He didn't want to hurt anything that even sounded like Richie. How was he expected to kill an exact copy of him?

Richie/It bent down next to Richie. He put a thumb under his chin and tilted his chin up.

"Y'know, Eddie. I like you. I loike you allot."

Eddie laughed at the British accent that was put on. He noticed Richie/It's lips were close to his, only a centimeter away.

He always wanted to kiss Richie Tozier.

He was about to, when he felt someone put a hand between the two's lips.

It was Real Richie Tozier.

And he.



Real Richie pulled Eddie up by the shirt and kissed him forcefully on the lips.

'Hot damn I'm gonna need my inhaler because of this kiss.'

When Richie pulled off, he looked at It smugly.

"He's mine, you sonovvabitch."

Bev pulled back the earring in the sling shot and hit It. It fell through a drain, hopefully to never be seen again.

Eddie blushed when Richie picked him up bridal-style. He blushed even more when Richie kissed him passionately on the lips. Eddie blushed (somehow) even harder when Bill screamed "G- get s- s- some!" at Richie.

Richie walked with Eddie in his arms back to his house. Eddie didn't care if his mom shouted at him for being at Richie's house all night. He wanted to be happy.

Eddie and Richie stayed in Richie's room all day. They read comics, watched a movie, listened to the radio, and held hands.

"I love you, Eddie."

Eddie smiled, feeling his face heat up yet again.

"I love you too, Richie."

Richie motioned to the bed.

"Do ya wanna take Bill advice and 'G- get s- s- some'."

Richie did his best impression of Bill's stutter. Eddie laughed and lightly pushed Richie.

"Beep beep, Richie."

Richie smiled at his new found love.

'After all this time, his greatest fear was losing me.'

The End.

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