Little Troye

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Troye was feeling extra little this afternoon. He was home all by himself which made him a little sad but he was more than happy to color his daddy a picture; however, now its been 45 minutes and daddy still wasn't home. He ran into their bedroom and pulled all the blankets off the bed and carried them into to the living room.

He began tucking blankets into the couch pillows and draping sheets over everything in his path. He had his blankie on the ground too by her wasn't using that to build. He picked up his blankie and his pink binky fell out and dropped onto the floor. "oopsie" Troye said dashing into the kitchen to wash it off before putting it in his mouth, just like daddy told him. He popped the still wet pacifier into his mouth before going into the living room to finish his building.

By the time he was done the entirety of the living room was hidden in Troye's "fort village" and just as he was crawling inside with his blankie and stuffie named Tutu, Daddy was unlocking the door.

"Daddy!" Troye yelled, letting the binky fall from his lips and leaving Tutu and blankie on the floor.

"oh my goodness, what do we have here" Jacob asked

"fort" Troye said. Clearly proud of his building

Jacob laughed at his little "I can see, you build this all by yourself?"

Troye shook his head "Tutu helped" Troye said "she said we needed more blankets but then you cames home. I missed you"

"I missed you too princess, its your stay up late night. What do you want to do?" Jacob asked, setting his bag on the floor and taking off his shoes.

Troye smiled and stood on his tippy toes "can we make cookies and then you paint my nailies and we take a tubbie and watch Wonder Pets!"

Jacob nodded "I don't know if we will get to all of that and we already have to clean up your fort"

"I don't want to clean. That's for big TroTro" Troye said "I can't find my binky" he gasphed "I losted it!"

Jacob shook his head "I bet your favorite binky and your blankie are in your fort" he said "so lets clean up and then make cookie, then a tubbie"


Troye was pouting because it took them so lone to clean. Jacob went to their bedroom to put the blankets away and pacifier clip for Troye. He tossed the blankets on the bed and went into the closet to grab a clip. He also took a new Moana sippy cup out of their 'little' box. Maybe the new sippy would brighten Troye's mood.

"Do you still want to make cookie bub?" Jacob asked, Troye was lying sideways on the couch sucking his thumb with his binky on the floor a few feet away.

"Tro, where's your binky don't suck your thumb" Jacob said and Troye took this thumb out and just continued to lay their quietly. "Tro go get it if you want"

Troye just looked at Jacob with a smile and shook his head "I'm too wittle dada"

Jacob giggled "How did you get so little bub?"

"I misseded you when you left" Troye said "I no want to make cookies. I want to watch TV and you paint my nails"

"If I paint you nails you can't suck your thumb, even though you aren't supposed to suck your thumb anyway" Jacob said

"I not do it, can I has my binky" Troye said pointing to the discarded plastic comfort item on the floor

"You can, but lets take a tubbie first and get you in little clothes then I can give it to you" Jacob said and Troye made grabby hands in his direction, signaling that he wanted to be picked up.

Jacob drew him a warm bath with strawberry scented bubbles and his bathtub crayons. Troye sat in just boxers waiting for Jacob to tell him to get in. Troye watched Jacob fiddle with the water temperature before turning towards him "You're be a good real daddy Jakey" Troye said through his binky

"Why thank you love, but I really like being just your daddy right now" he said

Jacob finished undressing Troye and carefully placed him in the tub and pulling the binky from Troye's lips. Troye whined right away. "Daddy! That is mine!" he said. Jacob frowned "one, don't yell at me sir. Two, there are no binkies in the bath"

Troye's eyes began to water "D-daddy not being nice to TroTro tonight!" he said "I want my binky and nails and Wonder Pets!"

Jacob crouched down outside the tub "Troye you are being very naughty right now, I think that you've had a long week in the studio and you tired. How about I give you binky for your bath and then we get you out and cuddle until you fall asleep"

"I'm not tired" Troye squeaked "I-I want Tutu"

"Tro you're very tired. You only  act this way when your tired, please lets have your bath and I get you some almond milk and Tutu. I have a new sippy cup for you" Jacob said

"I want a baba, too little for a cup" Troye sniffled

"okay so heres binky" Jacob said and Troye opened his mouth as Jacob gave it to him "and when you're done, I get you a bottle" Jacob finished and Troye nodded in agreement, because, maybe Daddy was right and maybe he was tired

A few moments later Jacob had Troye out of the bath and his princess towel was draped around his body. "Can I have a padded undies dada" Troye said sweetly as Jacob pulled out a onsie and collected binky and Tutu. Padded undies were actually Troye's pull-ups that he liked to wear in little space. He never actually used them but he liked to wear them.

"Sure bub, can you go to the bathroom and try going before I get you all dressed" Jacob said sweetly "yes" Troye said excitedly and he dashed off with the towel still around him,

Fifteen minutes later Troye and Jacob were settling on the couch. Jacob dropped Troye (with blankie and Tutu) off at the couch to get Troye a bottle of almond milk, which Jacob proudly made himself.

Troye snuggled up on the couch and waited for Jacob to come back "Daddy!" Troye called "I want you. Come back" he whined

"Tro I'm getting you a bottle" Jacob said pouring the almond milk into a plastic bottle and ran it under hot water in the sink. He never put Troye's bottles in the microwave beucase its bad to microwave plastic, the down side was that it took longer to warm it.

"Daddy!" Troye called (again) "I'm is cold" he said

Jacob sighed "Baby please stop whining and I'll be right there" he said. Troye huffed and wiggled on the couch more to fix his position.

He really just wanted cuddles, not even a stupid bottle. He didn't want his binky either, he decided, spitting it out and letting it dangle from this onsie. He felt inside that he wanted to throw a fit but he knew he had already been naughty and daddy had a long day at work. So he settled for just sulking.

Jacob reappeared with a bottle for Troye and half a glass of white wine. He noticed the pout on Troye's face right way and settled next to him anyway. "heres your bottle Troye" Jacob said "I'd like you to be a good boy so we can watch TV until you go sleepies but with that put I can sent you off now"

"not bad boy" Troye said "we not pain nails or bake cookies and you didn't take a tubbie with me or nothing"

Jacob sighed, "Tomorrow is Saturday so I'll be home all day and we can make it a say up ate night. Okay?"

"Okay, good idea daddy. Cuddles now?" Troye asked, clumsily shimmying over to Jacob on the couch

"yes baby boy all the cuddles you want" Jacob said lying down to get comfortable

Troye went to lay his head down and pulled on Jacob's shirt "off dada" he said

"Take my shirt off?" Jacob asked

"yes offie please" Troye said cutely "TroTro likes the letter V daddy has"

Jacob chuckled and accepted the request. Troyelaid his head down on his daddy and slowly drank his bottle. He made it thoughtwo episodes on Netflix before he fell asleep and his daddy carried him to bed.

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