Chapter 1

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The hallways were filled with only the sound of heels clicking on the floor. It's echo sound sending chills down people's spines.

Detective Argent was heading down to the 'danger zone,' where the agents kept the most dangerous criminals in a testifying room. They put it far away from most in case they had to use force or they get out of hand.

She turned the corner to head to the room. When she got there she knocked on the door. The guard let her in, handing her the case file. She walked around the table toward the empty seat, reading the file as she did so.

"Mr. Hale, nice to see you again." She said in pure sarcasm.

"Victoria, you're looking quite well. Nice to see that Chris finally bought you the perfect form of a shirt instead of those baggy ones you use. It really brings out your rack." Derek said in a smirk.

Victoria threw the file onto the table and sat down. "What happened this time?"

"Well, your guards here are really bulky. Should assign ones that won't manhandle the nice citizens you bring in here." He glared toward the guard at the door.

"Right...I'll get right on that," She rolled her eyes and leaned forward. "What I meant was what federal crime did you commit this time?"

"Oh Victoria, we went through this process one to many times. I think that you should let me out of these handcuffs and lead me to my cell and we could save the repetitive small talk." He snarled while shaking his hands in the handcuffs on the table.

"Well, it would be easier if you wouldn't resist and explain why you burned down the Regional Bank of San Diego after robbing it blind. As well as killing seventeen people in the process."

"See...we just saved time. It was like you were there." Derek smirked. He then looked around the room, "You should really brighten up the room. It's very  unsatisfying to criminals."

The detective slammed her hand on the table, causing the guard to flinch a bit. But not Derek, his smirk only grew wider.

"Listen to me Hale, you're going to prison. It doesn't matter if you like it or not, but if you keep up your attitude then you're going to be sentenced for life. We're not letting you get away this time." Her face raged with anger.

But Derek didn't buy it. He tsked for a second, "I don't know. I don't think your boss would like to hear what you're saying at an innocent offender."

She didn't even bother holding back her laugh, "Innocent? Where do you find innocent in your profile?"

He leaned forward as much as he can, getting in the detectives face, "That's the thing Detective. I have aliabilities, I have cover ups. I'm not ashamed of hiding anything, I'm an open book. Unlike you. You may look like the clean detective, the one who tries to get the job done. But I know...that you have more under your skin than me. I know that you lie to your husband everyday about your job, how you're handling the cases," he put the next part in a whisper. "And I know how you 'do' things around here. As well as how you 'train' incoming agents. Especially that guard right in front of us."

Detective Argent practically went pale in one and a half seconds. "I'm pretty sure you don't want anyone to find out about your late night 'trainings'." Derek tried again, which this time, made the guard flush and hold his hand against his holster. But before he had a chance to pull it, Victoria stood up abruptly, "Get him out of here. Call Stilinski and tell him get the 'special' cell ready."

The guard stood Derek up and unlocked his handcuffs, only to put new ones on. "You think one of your pity cells can hold me?"

Detective Argent opened the door, but stood there still. She turned to look at Derek one last time, "Trust me Hale, it's not your average cell."

After that Derek was thrown onto a prison bus, took a three hour drive towards the prison, and took another two hours to get him ready for his cell.

Just enough time for him to form a plan to bust out.

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