The One With the Bedroom

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       Adam stirred, the bed below him feeling different from the bed he shared at home with Lawrence. Another thing was different; Lawrence was absent. The lack of the other man's presence and warmth caused Adam to panic and wake up, having depended on him to make him feel safe. Safe from Jigsaw.
       Adam looked around at the new surroundings, images of the bathroom flooding back to him. This place was different. It didn't smell of decay or have dying and degrading walls; it was a normal bedroom. Had he imaged everything? Gone into a trance the past year? Was Lawrence real? Was Jigsaw real?
       His panic was worsened upon hearing the all too familiar voice play through a speaker on the bedside table.
"Rise and Shine, Adam. I want to play a game."
       He jumped, fear pumping through his bloodstream as it did in the bathroom. Please, God, don't let this be real.
"Outside you will discover people like you. Some people like others. You must find one common ground before the week is over, or you will be forced to stay in the house. Nobody dies. Just build up tolerance. Let the games begin."
       As the message ended, the door to the room he was in quietly opened. Adam slowly arose from the bed, his feet hitting the carpet with a quiet pat. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm down. Was that Jigsaw? Ut wouldnt have been. Jigsaw was dead. He saw it on the news, everyone broadcasted everything about the Jigsaw killings. John Kramer was the guy's name. Went nuts after some junkie killed his unborn child. Adam scoffed, mostly just to calm himself down. There was no Jigsaw. Not anymore.
He stood, heading for the door. He paused, checking his pockets. Finding nothing, he sighed in relief and continued on. Nobody was in the living room, and through a window he could see it was only just becoming morning. Where were the others? Was Lawrence here? He hoped and, for the first time in a while, prayed that Lawrence was here with him.
"Uh..." He walked around the living room, "Hello? L-Lawrence?" He stuttered, his heart beating rapidly and it thus affected his speech.
"Who's yelling?" An unfamiliar voice groaned, "It's too early!" Adam assumed he was the only person who got the message, but that thought was dismissed when he heard the message he got played through the room the voice came from. "This is bullshit." Mark Hoffman pushed open the door, obviously angry that he had been awoken. The man was... certainly a sight. Wearing a dark The Cure shirt and black briefs, the man didn't seem as intimidating as he actually was. "Who the hell are you?" He walked over to Adam, visibly past the point of 'pissed off'.
"I'm Adam Stanheight," Adam stepped away from Mark, slightly frightened, "Who are you?"
"I'm Detective Lieutenant Mark Hoffman with the LAPD and I don't appreciate being woken up so fucking rudely."
"I apologize, I'm just looking for someone," Adam then whispered under his breath, "Dickhead..."
Hoffman challengingly shifted his footing, placing his hands on his hips. "What'd you just say?"
       Before Adam could say some snarky comment, Lawrence walked through his own door. Adam immediately lit up, his panic from earlier immediately leaving him. "Lawrence!" He headed to Lawrence, almost catching the half asleep man off guard.
"What's going on? Why are we here?"
"Wait, hold on," Hoffman stared at the two, "You both know each other?"
"It looks like you already met Adam." Lawrence rubbed his eyes and as to respond to Mark's question, wrapped an arm around Adam. "We know each other."
       Adam and Hoffman exchanged squints, and Hoffman started walking around. "Where are Strahm and Gibson?"
"I don't know. I didn't know you, Adam, or whoever the Strahm and Gibson people are were even here." Lawrence shifted his weight onto his good leg, from his prosthetic.
"You didn't get a tape?" Hoffman looked over at Lawrence.
"No? I don't think so. Were we supposed to play them? I didn't look."
"Mine just came on," Adam finally chimed in, looking up at Lawrence.
"Mine too." Mark started knocking on doors, trying to locate his two boyfriends. He knocked on the first door just as it was opened by a very tired looking Amanda Young.
"What do you want, asshole?"
"I'm trying to find Strahm and Gibson."
"What and Who?"
"My boyfriends."
Amanda exhaled sharply, realizing where she was and what was going on. "Lynn."
       Amanda shoved past Hoffman, pulling open the closest door, to reveal a small Matt Gibson snoring in what seemed to be a very uncomfortable position, half his body off the bed. Amanda hastily opened the next door, glad to see her Lynn. "Lynn," she breathed, walking towards her bed. "Wake up."
       Lynn stirred, though just shifted onto her other side.
"Lynn," Amanda said louder, drawing out the name of her beloved, "Wake up." Lynn yawned, laying back onto her back. Eyes half open, she smiled at extended an arm to Amanda. "What's going on? We're somewhere else."
       Once she said that, the tape played.
"Rise and Shine, Lynn Denlon. I want to play a game. As you know, you are madly in love with Amanda Young, just as the others in this area are in love with their lovers..."
The sudden sound scared Lynn, waking her up fully. It made Amanda jump aswell, her face flushing once her name was mentioned. "Huh," Amanda breathed, "New Accomplice must have done their research..."
"You knew about this?" Lynn looked at Amanda, who replied with a silent shake of her head.
"No, but its obviously another Jigsaw accomplice. Though I thought I, Mark, and Lawrence were John's sole 'children'."
Lynn laid back down once the tape ended and ran a hand over her forehead, yawning. "I'm hungry."
"Get up and maybe one of the boys will get off their ass and make something."
"'One of the boys'?"
"Adam, Lawrence, Hoffman, Gibson, and Strahm are here too."
Lynn nodded and slowly slid off the bed, sitting closest to Amanda.

((i apologize for this being a short chapter but i made this chapter mostly to give some "background". Everything else will be longer, i promise.))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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