Chapter 1: The Dying Detective

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New York, the city of a million stories. Half of them are true and the other half, just haven't happened yet. Statues, the man said. Living statues that move in the dark. "So, will you take the case, Mr. Garner?" Grayle asked. Sure why not. "Because you don't believe me." For a $25 a day plus expenses, I'll believe any damn thing you like. "But you don't believe that statues can move!" Grayle added in aggressively. "And you're right, Mr. Garner, they can't, of course they can't...when you're looking." 

The address Grayle gave me was an apartment block near Battery Park, he said it was where the statues went. I asked him why he didn't go look himself, he didn't answer. Grayle was the scariest I knew, if something scared him, I kind of wanted to shake its hand. Winter Quay. The elevator found inside took me to a certain floor, where I find room 702. S. Garner, me. When inside I found a wallet and I.D. exactly identical to mine. There I also find a man. "They're coming for you, they're going to send you back.' I had no clue to what he said until, "In time, back in time, I'm you, I'm you. The man suddenly dies, and I attempt to leave when I find statues at each end of the hall. They started getting close the second I laid eyes off of them. They blocked off the bottom of the stairwell, leaving only up. As I finally make it up to the top, I realize being there was already the start of my death.

Melody Maloneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें