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cloeschultz: reunited with my favorite aunt! love you!!

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cloeschultz: reunited with my favorite aunt! love you!!

tagged@ catiecat

462 likes | 22 comments

catiecat: missed you too, darling!

cloeschultz: don't think I could thank you enough for letting me stay with you at the complex @ catiecat

rubydaly: angel! haven't seen you in so long @ cloeschultz

cloeschultz: we've got to plan a date asap @ rubydaly

liamstewart: i see you're trying to steal my girlfriend once again @ cloeschultz @ rubydaly

rubydaly: sorry, lee, but she's stolen my heart since the moment I first saw her @ cloeschultz @ liamstewart

cloeschultz: on the way to steal ur bitch @ liamstewart

rubydaly: i'll be waiting outside bby @ cloeschultz

electricvida: wow and I'm not included I see how it is @ cloeschultz @ rubydaly

liamstewart: don't worry, vi. you can hang out with chubs and I @ electricvida

electricvida: nO TAKE ME WITH YOU @ cloeschultz @ rubydaly

rubydaly: im dead @ electricvida

cloeschultz: don't worry, we'll get you too @ electricvida

catiecat: girls night? @ cloeschultz @ electricvida @ rubydaly @ zuzumay

zuzumay: hella @ catiecat

rubydaly: i'm in @ catiecat

cloeschultz: fuck yeah @ catiecat

electricvida: as long as i'm not around those disgusting bois im in @ catiecat

colemstewart: aND IM NOT INCLUDED?? @ cloeschultz

cloeschultz: why the hell did you become a female?  @  colemstewart

electricvida: since he lost his balls after you ran away @ colemstewart @ cloeschultz

chubsm: awkward @ colemstewart @ cloeschultz

A/N: hopefully I won't wreck emma's heart to horribly 


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