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Writer's POV:

"It's so great having you back, buddy. Really. Truly. Sincerely. Honest-"

"Rami, I get it. Thank you." He chuckled a bit as his ginger haired best friend hugged him just moments after his return to the main roster of the WWE.

Months had felt like years since the Irishman had injured himself and ultimately relinquished the Universal championship in front of the same crowd he just returned home to. Rami was right in a sense because it really did feel good to return home.

But right now, one of the few things he was focused on was her reaction to it all. If she felt as happy about his grand return than he did. It was so hard to keep it a secret from her because at any given moment, he was bound to explode with the secret. No one knew of his return except his parents and obviously, the WWE staff. No superstars. And she was no different.

Once Rami pulled away and seized his bit of awkward rambling that he does when he is happy, the Irishman looked around then back to his ginger friend asking, "Hey, Rami? Have you seen-"

"There he is! Ohhh my baby boy did so wonderful! Ugh, I'm so proud!" The smaller, a bit shrill, Irish accent stumped Fergal as he turned around greeted by his mother. With his father never straying too far, Fergal hugged them both. As much as he loved his parents, the two weren't who the Irishman was looking for. Nonetheless, he was happy to see them both.

Devitt turned a bit red as his passing coworkers "aww'd" at the shared moment between him and his mum. Fergal hugged her a bit as her tiny arms wrapped around his neck then mumbled politely, "Mum, yer' embarassin' me.."

"I got a bit of news for ya, Fergal. Yer' mother doesn't care. She's gonna be this embarrassing for a long time!" His father chuckled as the woman pulled away. He patted his son on the back, not as affectionate publicly as his wife. Both Rami and Fergal chuckled a bit at his dad's before he noticed something.

"Mum? Mum, please. Mum, are you crying?"

The woman waved her hand looking away, "You've just grown up to the man I always knew you could be. No, I take that back, you've grown even better than I could ever imagined. I love you so much, Fergal, oh." She hugged her son again. He smiled as he held onto his mother, forever being the Mum's boy that he is.

"Man, now I gotta call my own mother when we get back to the room," Rami joked, sort of, knowing damn well he will.

Fergal continued chatting with both his parents and Rami but she still crossed his mind. Not wanting to be rude, he made the excuse that he needed to shower just to get away from the chatty three. He loved them dearly but they were keeping him from her. Fergal told his parents that he'd FaceTime them before bed like he'd done every night since becoming a pro wrestler and he told Rami, forever his traveling partner slash roommate, that he'd meet up with him at the car when he was ready. He exchanged a few more hugs with the three then went on his way.

It felt like a much longer walk than necessary being stopped by various superstars such as Chad who was known as Karl Anderson, Eric who was known as Enzo Amore, Will who is Big Cass, and a few others congratulating him on his fantastic return, welcoming him back full time again. Fergal was a polite man and didn't have the heart to just brush his friends off so he stayed a substantial amount of time with each until finally excusing himself to a shower.

Once he'd made it to his locker room, he sighed a bit sadly because he didn't see her.

But that moment of sadness quickly departed. As soon as he opened his locker room door, her familiar scent crashed into his chest as she hugged him a bit excitedly. Startled a bit, Fergal chuckled as she bounced in his arms. "Hi there, darling! Excited to see me?"
Guess who? Did you miss me? Well I've missed you guys! I know, I know. I promised sequels to all of my books (most of them anyway) and a few coming soons but my depression took an ultimate hit within the last year or so. I won't get into gloomy details but just know I apologize.

What is this? This is my lame attempt at a Finn Balor book. Yes, yes! I've recently fallen even more in love with him and so my attention will probably focus mainly on this book. This was just a bit of a snippet of what's in store for this story and I'm honestly looking forward to getting back into the swing of writing.

I really hope I still have somewhat of a fan base (I guess you could say) here because I remember my stories were rather popular with you guys but if not, I guess I'm writing for my health. I'll try and update at least once a week since I do have work and all.

As far as my other stories go, I'm not much inspired to finish sequels quite yet BUT I will get to them. But for now, enjoy my preview to this little slice of heaven.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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