Simply Observing

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Heya! This is my 400 words story for my English assignment, but I thought the plot was pretty rad. Should I continue? And just so you guys know, I'm a procrastinator, I literally wrote this in 15 minutes xD 



The opening notes of Planets by Short Stack broke through the serenity of the early morning air. She parted her curtains wearily and observed that it was still pitch black outside. She rolled back over and hit the overused snooze button.

“WHOA!” She exclaimed as she rolled over, landing on the floor. Rubbing her head, she looked around. Definitely not in her bedroom anymore. There were strange people milling around, not seeming to take notice that there was a bed with a girl lying next to it in the middle of the main street. Picking herself up, she abandoned her warm bed at decided to walk around the town. This was definitely not what she expected to happen on a Wednesday morning.

As she explored the town, people started noticing her. There were quiet murmurs of “another one? She is doomed” and “what will he think of this?” This didn’t help her apprehensive self feel any more relaxed.

“Girl! Come ‘ere,” a gruff man said, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her off down the street. “The mayor’ll wanna see you,” he added, spitting his cigar onto the floor. “They pay good money for catching people like you, little girl.”

Standing in front of the large, golden, gates of the mayor’s building, the man took a deep breath before shoving her inside. “Go, move it.” As soon as they stepped foot into the gate, they were stopped by a security guard.

“What are you doing here?”

“I found one and I want my money,” the man answered as if this happened every day. She didn’t stop to think that maybe it did.

“All right then.”

The guard threw an envelope at the man, who caught it in mid-air and immediately left the large room, taking long strides. He was out in a matter of seconds.

The security guard grabbed her arm in the same place where the man had done earlier, dragging her into an even larger room than before. There were two large chairs behind an even bigger table in the room, almost like thrones, but nowhere near as lavish as she would’ve thought a throne would be. Was this a King or a Mayor? Seated on them was, surprisingly, two men, (if you could even call them men; they looked like they had pointed ears and wings), smiling happily at her, and it looked like they were holding hands under the table.

OK, this was definitely not what she was expecting.

Word count: 414

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2012 ⏰

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