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This is the story about how I met the love of my life. Well, not only that, but how our relationship came to be, too. How a simple trip to Panda Express with Pidge turned into a life changing experience.
Let's start, shall we?

April 10th
11:29 p.m.

Despite my protests, Pidge and I were on our way to get Chinese food from Panda Express.
"Dude, Pidge. I don't even know what they have. Chow mein... Isn't that, like, noodles or something? I think I'm just gonna stick with rice or something."
"Go ahead. I'm going all out with this, this is my first paycheck from GameStop."
"You mean- You're not paying?!" I gasp, accidentally hitting the breaks.
"Uh, for me I am. I told you this, but you were more worried about Keith dating Allura."
"Well, cause that's just stupid. I can't believe Keith asked out Allura and not me. They don't even have chemistry!" I pout.
"Yeah, yeah, keep your 83 protons to yourself."
"What? You know what, nevermind. Um... Hunk told me that Starbucks has this thing on the secret menu called a Cotton Candy frappé. Since you're spending the night, I figured we could try it tomorrow morning."
"I don't see why not," Pidge shrugs. "Hey genius, you just passed the entrance."
"Wha-?!" I groan, making the sharpest U-turn I'd ever made in my life. Pidge gripped onto the car door.
"Dude, geez! Watch the fuck out!" She states, catching her breath. I laugh mockingly at her, pulling into the Panda Express. I manage to catch a spot right in front of the entrance, next to a black Mercedes-Benz.
Pidge and I get out of my car.
"Damn, that's a nice car..." Pidge and I say in sync. Well, she said something along the lines of that. It was more like "holy shit I want to jump the owner and steal that car."
Pidge got into the place first. Actually, by the time I got in there, Pidge was already in line. I run up to her, laughing.
"Holy crow, can't you be patient?"
"Patient isn't in my vocabulary."

Soon enough I was in the front of the line.
"I'll.. have whatever she had." I point to Pidge. The worker nods, telling me my total was $25.67. Are you kidding me?!
I sigh, handing the worker $30, and he gives me my change.
I go to wait with Pidge, and we sit at a table next to a guy eating white rice with chopsticks. He had an undercut, but there was some white in it too. He had a suit on, which I found odd, because I mean, we're at Panda Express. Pidge and I both sneak a glance at him.
"Man... He's hot." I state a little too loudly. He looks over at us, smiling and laughing.
A dark blush covers my face and I look away quickly, Pidge sitting there laughing her ass off.
"Shut up!" I throw a crumb at her from off the table, but she only laughs louder. Soon an employee shouts mine and Pidge's numbers. Pidge got hers first, obviously. After I got mine from the counter, I slam right into someone.
I topple over them, and I eventually landed on top of them.
"I- I'm so sorry-!" I shriek, looking to see who it was.
It was the guy at the table.
The same blush as before clouds over my face and I realize I have rice in my hair.
All I could hear was Pidge laughing; the restaurant was silent otherwise.
The guy smiles, ruffling my hair to get at least some of the rice out.
Holy shit.
"Are you alright?" He asks, sitting up on his knees. I nod.
"I- I could ask you the same! I'm so, so sorry!"
"I'm fine."
His voice was so hot, oh my god.
"Uh, hello? You okay there?"
"Yeah! I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be fine?" I laugh nervously, tears forming in my eyes. I'm going to cry. This is so embarrassing.
"Hey, whoa, don't cry!" He panicked, grabbing my hands. "Here- come with me, I'll help you get cleaned up." He helps me up, keeps hold of my right hand, and takes me to the restrooms.
"That was quite the fall out there. Are you sure you're not injured?" He asks.
"I'm sure..."
He nods, getting some paper towels wet and cleaning off my shirt, which had some type of noodle on it.
"So. I'm hot, huh?"
"Oh- I- I didn't mean- I mean you are- but I-!" I stumble on my words, the blush not leaving my face.
"It's alright," he laughs. "I actually get that a lot. Nobody really catches my eye, though." I could've sworn he mumbled, "nobody but you", but that was probably just wishful thinking.

He finished cleaning me up, and he went back to his table and I met back up with Pidge. She was on her phone, probably telling Hunk what had just happened.
"What happened in there?" She asks, chuckling.
"Nothing. He just helped me clean up." I tell her. She looked like she had already finished eating, and an employee had already taken care of the mess.
"Come on, let's go back to my house.." I look around. People were still staring at me. She nods.
Just as we walked out, so did the guy. He stops us.
"Hey, I never got your name," he tells me.
"Oh- It's Lance."
"He has 83 protons," Pidge adds. He seemed like he got the joke.
"I figured. I must say.. I do too, suddenly." He was.. Wait.. Was he checking me out?!
A hot blush creeps up on my face once again. He holds his hand out to me.
"I'm Takashi Shirogane. But you can call me Shiro."
I shake his hand, which I just realized wasn't really a hand at all- it was robotic.
"It's been a pleasure meeting you, Lance."
"S-Same to you, Shiro."
He handed me what looked like a business card of some sort.
"Call me sometime."
He gets in the Mercedes-Benz Pidge and I were glorifying earlier, throwing on a pair of sunglasses.
Pidge and I watch him drive off.
"Wow. That was.." Pidge trails off.


Word Count: 1048

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