Alaude × Reader [Mine.]

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Alaude × Reader
(I'm crazy XD)

~Overprotectiveness and possessions~

You were just walking innocently down one of the many hallways of the Vongola Mansion, heading to Giotto's office to get a mission (coz you were finally bored after sitting around like a potato).


"Oh,morning, Dae-"
You were just greeting Daemon.

"You're coming with me."

An Alaude popped out and cuffed Daemon, dragging him away.

"Uh...Okay..."you continued walking,thinking that the illusionist must have offended Alaude somehow.

As you turned at a corner, you bumped into Lampo and fell.

"Urgh...Oh,it's you,[Y.n]-chan! Morning!"he greeted with a sheepish grin as he helped you up.

"Hi,Lampo. What are you doing here so early-"

"You're coming with me."

Alaude popped out again.


You watched as Lampo got dragged away too,both of you wondering why he's being arrested.
You had only crashed into him.


You continued walking.


"Have you seen Giotto?!"he exclaimed, running a hand through his bright red(pink) hair. "He ran away from his paperwork again! Oh, morning."

"Uh...No? He ran away again-"

"You are arrested."

Alaude cuffed G and dragged him away, the latter thrashing around as he had to find his boss before said blonde escaped the country. (Note: THIS IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION.)

You stood there for a moment.

"...That was weird."

You then changed your course. Giotto was obviously not in his office,then...'Maybe he's in his room.'

You proceeded to make your way to the blonde's room.


"You're coming too."

"EXTREMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"the priest shouted as Alaude took him to somewhere unknown, pulling the three others behind him.

In your (filtered) mind...
...Why is chibi Alaude pulling Knuckles away? Chibi Lampo and Daemon are following him? They're handcuffed? Chibi G is neckcuffed?! And is trying to run away... Wait, why are they even chibi-lized...?

You shrugged. Things in the Vongola family. Normal.

You knocked on Giotto's door.

"Gio? Helllllooooooooo? Are you in there? Gioooooooooo? Are you alive?"

You were gonna bang the door down before hearing a 'Come in,[Y.n]' from inside.

You opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind you silently, not noticing the eyes behind you.

"Gio,what are you...Doing...?"you stared at the blonde chibi that was frantically throwing random things in his suitcase (mostly cakes [The hell?!] ).

The chibi is currently jumping up and down, trying to reach the hair conditioner in his bathroom.

"Higherrrrrrrrr~!!!"he squeaked, still hopping.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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