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This is the story that started the move from short story into novel, in itself it's still a short story, but it opened the gateway to complex characters and twisted storylines.


It had been an understanding between them, so what had changed?

To understand that you need to know the agreement, and to understand that you must understand why it began…

I hated it… Everything about it… But I had no choice… So I agreed.

I would use my skill… So she would live…

Who was I? I was different… I was born by human… But was not human…

So when they took away the only one I cared about I agreed.

I am called Jagjit.

“This is it gents, the target is in the basement of the building, only access by a platform that looks like a kill zone. But first we need to get in, we’ve got twelve foot electrified fences, behind them we have nineteen guards, armed with glocks. That’s where the easy ends. Only access in and out of the building is one airlock, walls are six feet wide so blowing them isn’t the easy option. Airlock only fits one person at a time, and requires three codes from the other side to let you in… And we don’t have an inside man. Past the doors is six hundred heavily armed ex-SAS soldiers, then it’s a quick walk to the kill zone platform then the basement where another four hundred soldiers protect the target. Just a couple more things: They are expecting us. Protect the rookie, we might hate having a civilian with us but he’ll get us inside easily…” Corporal Nathan Jacobs finished, his men nodded, they moved out into position, two of the men protecting the rookie, he didn’t know why he’d had this guy forced upon him, but apparently orders had come from high up, higher than he could trace so he was going through with it.

The fences went down in explosions, the guards spun aiming and firing at the commandos in sight, Jagjit ignored the bullets, steel wouldn’t cause him worry, then one of his partners went down, bullet in the head, lucky shot.

Jagjit raised his rifle and fired a couple of shots; they were going way wide…

Jacobs saw the shots were going to miss, pointed his rifle then saw the impossible; the bullets curved in flight and struck two guards in the head.

Jagjit looked around, all guards down, one death and one commando struck in the leg… This was going to be a costly operation.

He walked up to the airlock, it closed behind him and in front of him a nurse looked through the window, and she glanced at the commando uniform and pressed a button…

Gas started flooding the chamber…

Jagjit didn’t ignore it, it could be useful, and he redirected it back under the door and heard several thuds as people dropped unconscious or dead.

Now for the door…

Jacobs waited impatiently, he wondered how long it would be before he had to blow any surprise he still had and blow the airlock door… Then the airlock opened… With the rookie inside the main room…

“I’ve got this room locked down for now, outside that door is fourteen soldiers, outside that one is twelve, both corridors redirect to a main room, which is filled with the rest of this levels military personnel, directly beneath that room is the target. The platform with access to the basement is mounted on the side of the building just outside the main room, it has explosives wired into it and has a couple of motion sensing machine guns trained on it… They were activated when they gassed the airlock. I’ve managed to deactivate the explosives…” Jagjit said pointing at the security monitors, Jacobs nodded, impressed by the rookie’s quick work.

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