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Modern AU
John's POV:

Ok so I'm fully aware of how absolutely awful this is but it's been sitting here and I haven't touched any kind of writing in like a year and I have no idea what this is even about. This is totally unfinished but hey, what the hell. Why not make everyone more disappointed in me. I'm not even going to read it over. Good luck. Hopefully you'll have a laugh.

I usually fall asleep around midnight every night, I can run on just a few hours. Alex on the other hand, is quite the opposite. He is not a morning person, or a night person, and to function properly he must have an ungodly amount of coffee before speaking to anyone when he gets up. I know to always keep a safe distance until about after his second or third cup. I think he seriously has a problem. Anyway, he almost always sleeps like a baby every single night, falling asleep at around 8:30 with his reading glasses still on. And that was my job. Sense we shared an apartment, every night after he was asleep I snuck into his room to find him sprawled across his bed like a starfish to take off his glasses and gently set them on his nightstand. Then I would turn off his lamp and fold over the corner of the page where his left his book flattened and spread out. Sometimes I'd even have to take off his shoes for him. I always wondered why he never questioned that the spines of his books are slightly less destroyed than expected, or why he hasn't had to wake up to the smell of smoke because he burnt the whole goddamn building down with that lamp. Then I'd sneak back into my own room across the hall and fall asleep a few hours later to the sound of him breathing so peacefully. Actually, I look forward to going into his room to take care of him, make sure he doesn't role over on his glasses or something, but I dont know why. It's just something about seeing him asleep that I love so much. It's such a contrast from hearing him constantly talking so pationatly about the things happening around him, lines imbeded in his face from stress. But when he's sleeping, his face is just so soft and content. Seeing his hair all wild with strands brushes into his face, his glasses astrew, lips parted ever so slightly, just makes me smile. So you can imagine my surprise when I was about to fall asleep one night, and I suddenly heard some kind of choking sound come from across the hall. I panicked. What was wrong? Should I go check on him? The noise continued along with some moaning. I quickly got up and went across the hall to see if he was ok. When I peeked from behind the door I found him with his eyes squeezed shut, curled up into a ball with his arms around his knees. His face was twisted into an awful grimace. My nuckles were white from gripping it too hard. I gulped. "Uh, Alex?" I asked. I knew he was a very heavy sleeper, but was still worried when he didn't wake. I took a few cautious steps inside. He moaned louder. "Alex? You ok?" I asked a little louder. I could tell this was obviously not going to work. I took a deep breath and walked over to the side of his bed, very stiffly reaching out a hand to gently shake his shoulder. "Yo! Uh, Alex!" I practicly shouted. I was starting to get seriously worried. I forgot all about being cautious, I flipped him over on to his back and straddled his waist. I cupped his face in my hands, our noses were inches apart. "Alex! Wake up! It's ok!" Yelled in his face. None of this was having any affect. He continued to twitch and sob. I put my hands on his chest and leaned down to his ear, whispering gently, "Alexander, it's ok. It's John. It's ok." I pulled back, still on top of him. His face relaxed. I smiled and was halfway through climbing off of his lap when he suddenly he grabbed my waist with both hands, spun me around, and laid me down on my side next to him. I let out a nervous chuckle. I attempted to pry his hands off of me, but his grip was much too tight. I could tell he was still asleep, but he just wouldn't let go. I sighed. The way I was positioned, my ass was up against his crotch, and I could feel his abs on my back. It was almost like we were... cuddling. And I was little spoon. But surprisingly, I wasn't complaining. It was actually quite nice. I frowned. If I was stuck here all night (which I most likely would be, apparently Hamilton has a killer grip) I may as well enjoy it. I glanced back at him to make sure he was still snoring very softly, and snuggles deeper into his chest. He responded by lowering his chin on top of my head. I could get used to this...
  I woke to the sound of a soft sigh in my ear. I flexed my shoulders. This was the best I'd slept in a very long time. Then I realized where the sigh  came from, and grunted. I was still stuck here until he decided to wake up. I thought it might be awkward to just lay there, so I pulled a hand out of his grip and reached behind me to poke him in the side. "Hey, Alex. Yo. You gotta get up, dude." He only pulled me tighter. This was hopeless. He seemed comfortable. There was even a smile on his face. It was so cute. And he was so warm... I barely noticed when my eyes slowly slid shut, a stupid grin still on my face.
  When I woke up for the second time, I rolled over to face my alarm clock. 12:28 was flashing at me in a red that always seemed too aggressive. My first realization was that I slept past noon, and Warren was probably waiting to be fed (my turtle). My second realization was that I was in my own bed. I say up and looked around. Yup, definitely my own room. Strange considering I was absolutely sure I spent the night in Alex's room. My third realization was that there was an incredibly delicious smell coming from my open bedroom door. I didn't think twice before jumping out of bed and letting my nose carry me to it.
  I somehow found myself in the kitchen, standing in front of Alex. He was in front of the stove in the flannel pajama bottoms and tank top he slept in. "Mornin sleeping beauty." He said to me in his fantastic, mind melting I- Just- Rolled- Out- Of- Bed voice. "Uh, morning." I said kinda awkwardly, recalling today's earlier events. He seemed unfazed by it. Should I even bring it up at all? I decided not to. If he wanted to talk about it, he would bring it up. He set two grilled cheeses on the table, one cut in half, the other into triangles (He knew i liked it like that). My stomach growled. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I ate half in a matter of seconds. As I started on the last two pieces he finally spoke. "How'd you sleep?" I froze. Dammit, I knew this would come up at some point. I cleared my throat. "Hey, so, um... about last night. I heard you having a bad dream so I came into your room and just kinda-" he cut me off. "Dude, it's fine. Really." He smiled. There was a pause. "It was nice." He said, eyes glued to his plate while he took a nervous bite of his sandwich. I only nodded. When I finished I went to go out my fish in the sink, but didn't see him reaching for my plate too. Our hands connected for a moment and I looked up. I felt a blush creep up to my face. Shit shit shit shit shit. He was basically holding my hand. And I was letting him. And it was still happening, but neither of us were moving. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. And if I did have the ability to speak, I wouldn't know what to say. We just sat there staring, until I finally gathered the courage to speak. "Uh, I-I got it." I stood up and brought my plate over to the sink and rinsed it off. I kept my head down while I turned around to go back to my room as fast as possible, my face still completely red. What I wasn't expecting was to find him standing right behind me. He listed up my chin, damn he looked so cute with his hair all messy and falling out of its bun. My heart was racing, I could hear it pounding in my ears. He slowly parted his lips and tilted his head down. I was panicking. What did i do? I didn't have much experience with kissing, or at least not with someone I was actually interested in. But that didn't matter. What mattered was that he was getting closer. His eyes were closed, and his lips looked so soft, perpetually chapped. It took me a moment to realize just how much I wanted this. But before I could process what was about to happen, his lips were on mine and it was real this time. Not just some fantasy I'd obsessed over thousands of time in my head. Not just something to dream about or cry over because I knew it would never happen. It was really. And it was more than I ever could have imagined. I dont know what took over me, but I somehow knew exactly what to do. I knew how to move my lips, where to put my hands, how rough and how soft to go. And so did he, just in time with me. My hands moved up and tangled into his hair and I pulled his hair tie out. One of his hands grilled my waist and the other slid down to my thigh so I just jump of and wrap my legs around him. Apparently we were moving. The kiss quickly escalated into a make out session. I wasn't paying attention to where he was carrying me, all I knew was that he suddenly laid me down on what felt like a bed. His bed. And that his hands were slowly sliding under my shirt, up my sides, and back down again over and over in the best way I could imagine. My hands were still wrapped in his silly hair, and his mouth was still on mine. Until it wasn't. I gasped when he suddenly pulled back and attacked my neck. It was definitely not something I was expecting, but I'm not complaining. I bucked my hips up, the sensation he was creating was indescribable. He sucked at the same spot for eternity, occasionally pausing to put at the skin with his teeth. I couldn't help but let out a small whine when he pulled away, looking down at what he'd created. I looked down too, to find a fat purple hicky right above my collarbone about the size of an egg, teeth marks and all. Out in the open where anyone could see it. And I have to admit, it have me immense pleasure to know that Alexander was the cause. He dove in once again to create another, and by now I was thrashing and panting like never before.he held me down with grip I didn't know he had on my hips. No matter how much I wanted to thrust them into the air, they stayed pinned to the bed under his strength. My eyes were screwed shut. I was afraid that if I looked down, I might finish right then. He pulled back to peel my shirt over my head and made his way farther down, planted bites and smaller hickeys as he went. I tried to keep from squirming and contain my excitement and nervousness. When he reached my waistband he looked up at me for approval. My eyes widenend I nodded a little too quickly. He smirked and looked back down. He hooked two fingers under and slowly pulled them down. I but down on my lip hard to suppress a moan that escaped my throat anyway. I cringed as my erection slapped my stomach, but he didn't seem discouraged. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched as he took my into his hands. Self control was a bitch. He looked back up at me and our eyes locked as he finally bent down and left one small, torturously slow kiss on the tip, maintain eye contact the whole time. My back arched to breaking point and my eyes squeezed shut as much as possible as I screamed. I managed to pull myself back down and muffle the rest by biting down on my shoulder. I jumped at the sound of his list filled voice somehow whispering right into my ear. "Don't hold back. I want to hear every- sound- you make." With each word he jerked me one more time. I let out another eat splitting moan. He grinned. "That's more like it." And moved back between my legs. I panted and gripped fist fulls of sheets. I had to last longer than this. He slowly picked one long stripe up my shaft. I grunted loud. My eyes sot open as he finally enveloped my entire dick in his mouth. I was panting like I just ran a 5k. He looked up an me and slid all the way back off with a wet sound. "You ok?" He asked. I just purses my lips and nodded when he went back down. I didn't notice my hips starting to buck up and increase speed until I heard a small choking noise. "Ah... sorry." I chuckled breathlessly. My hands made their way down to the back of his head as he bobbed up and down and I guided his moments. I couldn't help but start to thrust up again, but the back of his throat just felt so amazing, and his lips were so soft... I was slowly reaching my climax, Alex still taking all of me down, then back up again over and over in a rhythm I would never grow tired of. His tongue moving in slow circles around my tip was driving me insane, and I wouldnt last much longer. He looked up at me one last time, and gave a moan that sent vibrations right through me. "Oh shit!" I said as I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt all of my muscles stiffen and i gripped the sheets hard enough to draw blood from my palms. My back arched high enough to snap in half as I released into his throat. "

Again, I haven't read this in like a year and I don't plan on it so idk what kind of shit you just went through but it probably wasn't good.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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