Chapter 1: Early Call

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Harper woke up to the sunlight coming through the open windows on her face. She tumbled around in her bed and pulled her covers above her face.

"Claire! Close the window blinds! It's 6 in the morning!" Harper whimpered
"I'm sorry miss but Mr.Franford just called up, you have an early shoot in the morning" Claire, Harper's ayah, who was more like a friend told with a pity smile on her face.
"Oh my gosh! Mr.Franford!" Harper gasped pulling the covers down and finally sitting up straight on her bed. Mr.Franford or as Harper call's him 'Fran' was Harper's manager.
"Now get up really quick we need to be there by 7" Claire said
It was supposed to be a day off after two whole weeks of rehearsal!" Harper squealed getting off her bed to get ready.

Harper walked to her closet and opened the big white doors. She walked in and took a sip of her freshly made orange juice.
She walked to the right side of her closet. She picked out her black sweater, considering the fact that it was freezing outside, and put it on her shoulder. She bent down and picked up her Nike sweatpants. She walked through the middle of the two counter tables in her closet and opened her cupboard full of shoes, thrown, mismatched and dirty. She picked a pair of black running shoes. She turned around and kept her juice on the counter top. She twirled and put a big smile one her face.

• • •

"Yup! That's right Harper. Now fix your hair, and walk towards the window" Barrel, the choreographer of Harpers new music video told.

Harper did as said. She walked up to the window. After that shot Harper gestured Barrel to stop because she was really tired.
"That's great everybody! Let's take 5!" Barrel announced.
"Huff! That was a workout" Harper said to her self.

She sat on her chair labeled 'singer' and took her phone from Mr.Franford who was sitting on the chair next to her labeled manager.
"That was a great shot Harper" Fran said rubbing his hands with a sly smile on his face.
"You look exited" Harper let out a chuckle.
"I've got good news!" Fran said clapping his hands.
"Woah, what happend?" Harper asked her manager . "You got selected for the lead role in 'Hey Girl!' "
"Yay. So exited. I didn't even audition but still exited." Harper said sarcastically.Fran raised an eyebrow and said " Its 'Hey Girl!' Who wouldn't be exited. The producer of the show is Perry Henry!" Fran explained.

"Wow still very exited." Harper said in sarcasm and walked up to the shoot.

"This lady" Fran let out a chuckle and shook his haid.

• • •

12:37 am

Dear diary,
Today was hectic like yesterday and all the other days from the shoot of this music video. The truth is, I feel so tired after shoots like this, but guess what? I need to ads and sign autographs for the cameraman's 13 year old daughter and oh, yes, how could I forget, 'Hey Girl!',another one of those hectic and tiring tasks added to my schedule. Don't get me wrong I really do enjoy it but, everyday, one after the other with no breaks, it's really tiring. It's really late at night and I just got home from an interview, I mean, how much can an eighteen year old bear. Claire's calling me down for dinner, she makes yummy food and yes, I'm eating dinner at 12 at night time.

XOXO Harps ;)

Harper closed her black diary and kept it inside her drawer that's in her beside table. She went down and greeted Claire.
"Hey Claire! What's for dinner?" Harper sat at one of those bar stools around the kitchen counter.
"Pasta and some coke" Claire gave it to Harper and smiled.
"Thank god I don't have to eat those vegetables today" Harper said kneeling on the floor and let out her hands up and said "Yes! Finally after so long, my pasta"
"Only today" Claire said grabbing her up from the floor.
"Atleast today Claire" Harper corrected Claire
"Finish your dinner and go back to sleep" Claire said going upstairs to her room.

"Okay!" Harper called out back at her.
"Damn" Harper said to herself, "What a day" Harper said to herself.
She put the dishes away and walked upstairs.

She put her covers above her face and went to bed, well at least tried to.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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