vocaloid dreams

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"This is so awesome!" I scream as I jump into the giant fruitbowl my friends and I are are swimming in. "what's with the giant fruitbowl anyways" asked Luka. Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell the blood of human scum! "I guess that"said Gumi. All my friends are running around screeming, but I'm not scared. Do do d-do I'm a super hero, I started singing that on the top of my lungs. "Really!!!" Everyone stops to yell at  me. "You just wait" I tell them. Then the giant falls and dies. That's right everybody, music is magic.

"Wake up!" Rin came into my room and threw a pillow... and a shoe at my head. "I'm up, I'm up! I just had the best dream ever!"

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