You and me forever, babe.

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Alright, so I just got this idea and I really wanted to make a quick short one-shot of this, because who doesn't love Mello and Matt? C: I hope you enjoy! Warning, there will be tears. I'll say it once again too. This has SPOILERS! If you haven't watched Death Note, I wouldn't recommend reading this.

   Mello was driving the truck, with Takada in the back. He knew he had to get this done, so him and Matt could just be normal. He loved Matt. He loved his smile, and the way he laughed. He loved everything about that ditzy, red-headed gamer. All of a sudden, when he parked in a tunnel, he heard a thud. "What the fuck?" Mello walked over, and saw Takada dead on the floor, with a piece of the notebook in her hand. She had almost written his name. Mello grabbed the paper, and shoved it in his pocket. That was close. Too close. But on the Brightside, he had evidence. He couldn't wait to tell Matt. He started up the truck, and backed up out of the tunnel. As he started to drive, the little TV on the truck was turned on. It was the news. On the news, there was a red car, and it had smoke over it. Mello's eyes widened a bit, as the news reporter started talking. "This just in, a red car has been spotted around our area! It has to do with Miss Takada's kidnapping. Also, there seems to be a man shot down as well. We don't know the identity of this man though." Mello didn't believe this. He didn't want to believe this. When he got to that part of town, Matt was going to be okay. He just knew it. As he started to drive faster, he saw the place where the red car was. Driving over there, he knew it was a mistake. Matt wasn't there. That person wasn't Matt.

    Pulling in a parking spot, Mello slammed the car door, and ran over to the red car. "Woah there, this is area taken over by the police. You can't go he-" Mello screamed in his face, choking on his tears, "Goddammit you are going to let me over there if its the last thing you do! My best friend is that man right there!" Mello shoved his way through, and ran over to the car. The police officer told the others that it was okay to let him through, as long as he didn't do anything. Mello ran over to the body, and froze. He had red hair, and looked exactly like Matt. No, this was his Matt. "Matt..." Mello slowly picked up Matt's body, and started crying. He couldn't stop. The tears kept streaming down his face, and he was making weird noises as he was crying. "Matt.. Matt please... let me know your okay... Don't die on me dammit!" Mello clutched his body, and rested his head on his chest. He grabbed Matt's hand, and squeezed it. "M-Matt.." The police officers watched as Mello was crying, and screaming. Mello looked up, and screamed. "Why him... Why couldn't it have been me...?!"


   Matt and Mello were walking outside of the orphanage, holding hands. Mello was wearing his leather coat, and boots, and Matt was still in his pajamas, his hair a mess. "Mels, do you really have to go?" Mello chuckled, and squeezed his hand. "Yea Matty, I'm sorry. But don't worry, I'll be back." Matt sniffled, and faced Mello. He looked him in the eyes, and smiled at him, teary eyed. "Mello I love you." Mello smiled back, and wiped his tears away with his thumb. "I love you too Matt." Matt hugged Mello tightly, and softly pressed his lips against his. Mello squeezed Matt, and pulled back. "Matt don't worry, no matter what happens I'll always be right here." Mello made an X on Matt's chest near his heart. Matt smiled, and held both of Mello's hands. "You and me forever, babe."

               End of flashback

     Mello's tears wouldn't stop. He didn't want to let go of Matt. "Matt... Please... Don't die on me yet..." Mello  cried into his chest, and he remembered a talk him and Matt had.

    "Hey Mello, I want you to promise me something."  Mello tilted his head to the side, and nodded. "Of course Matty, what is it?" Matt looked at the floor, and dug his hands in his hair. "If I ever die, I don't want you to give up." Mello stared at him funny, and laughed, "Matt your not going to die. What are you talking about?" Matt looked up at Mello, and his eyes were bloodshot red, like he was crying. "Mels, I'm serious." Mello smiled slightly, and walked over to Matt, wrapping his arms around him. "I won't give up Matt. I promise." Matt smiled, and wraps his arms around Mello's neck. "I believe in you Mello. I love you."

    Mello wiped his tears away, and squeezed Matt's hand for the last time. Mello then pulled his hood up, and he made an X on Matt's chest again. "You and me forever, Matt."

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