Jalex One Shots

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The Reckless and The Brave


Alex snuck into the castle as the doors slowly shut. He has raided enough castles and kingdoms to know where almost every kingdom hid the gold. He quietly made his way across the foyer into a narrow hallway. Down the long hallway was a big black door with a lock on it. As he reached the door, he pulled out a straightened paper clip. He began picking the lock, wiggling the paper clip around, and swung the door open. The little clinking noises and the creaking of the door alerted the guards, and they came running. Alex rushed into the room, marveling at the piles of magnificent gold and silver. He pulled a cloth bag out of his pocket and immediately began stuffing it with the goods.

"Halt!" Alex heard a command from behind him. He slowly turned on his heels to see three guards blocking the door. Alex started to panic, looking around trying to seek a way out. Yet, there was none.

"Drop the bag, and put your hands over your head!" The same guard demanded. Alex did as he was told, already freaking out at being caught.

"Come along. We're going see what we have to do with you." The guard on the left sighed, leading Alex out of the room and to the prison chambers.

Meanwhile, King Jack, having heard through the grapevine that someone tried to steal his gold, made his way to the prison chambers. Stepping down the stairs, Jack heard the guards probing the intruder for answers, but receiving none.

"The charges?" Jack asked, waltzing in front of the prison bars.

"Alex Gaskarth, 26, charged with stealing 400 pounds of gold, and 37 pounds of silver." The guard on duty announced.

"That's it?" Jack asked, looking over at the prisoner for the first time. He was nothing short of gorgeous. The man, Alex, didn't look up, just sat in the cell staring at the ground.

"Take him to the guest room, have him cleaned up. Dinner is in fifteen minutes." Jack said dismissively before turning around and leaving.

Alex was sitting at a large dining room table, food was steaming , and he was actually clean and wearing nice clothes. It wasn't a big change from what he was wearing before, but still. His feet had socks on them instead of his usual bare feet, his black worn and torn skinny jeans were replaced with gray skinnies, his ripped long sleeve shirt was gone, and a white v neck with a leather jacket took its place. The one thing Alex was allowed to keep was the gray beanie placed on his head. Alex couldn't help but wonder, did this guy do this with all his burglars? He continued staring at his plate nervously, wringing his hands. He had never been caught before, and to be caught by one of the cutest kings? Can you say embarrassing? He heard Jack enter the room, and for the first time, he looked up. Jack was wearing a deep red button up shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and his legs were clad with black skinny jeans.

"Go on, Alex. Eat." Jack smirked, with a plan already formulating in his head,

Once the meal was finished, and the table was cleared, Jack and Alex sat in silence. It was entertaining to Jack to watch Alex squirm, waiting to see what would happen to him.

"So, tell me." Jack began, "Why did you feel the need to steal from me?" He finished with a smirk.

"It's what I do to get by. I have no special skills to trade, King..." Alex trailed off, not knowing the mans name.

"King Jack, but you can just call me Jack."

"Uh, sure Jack." Alex nodded, his voice quiet.

"See, I would say your skill could be stealing, but if that were the case neither of us would be sitting here right now." Jack let out a laugh, and Alex just blushed furiously. After another couple quiet, antagonizing minutes, Jack let out a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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