Chapter 1 | The Beginning of The End

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Credit to my lil sis (not my actual one): iBrowseEyebrows ! She helped me write this!

It was graduation day, it feels weird, it's gone so quickly... it feels like 3 months since I started school. I can't believe it! I'm leaving school! I'm so excited but I feel anxious for the days to come.

My name is Travis, I'm 17 and I have a bestfriend named Scott. Me and Scott have been friends since Primary school, we've been through ups and downs all our lives and we stayed strong!

—Time Skip—

After graduation we went to a party. Scott was talking to loads of girls, I just talked to my other friends as Scott tried to get them to fall for him with his shitty pick-up lines.

I walked towards Scott.

*2nd Person POV*

Travis walked past a symbol, completely oblivious about it. Something wasn't right but he just didn't process what was actually happening. He didn't even notice a strange woman watching his every move, until he felt someone staring him down.

Travis' POV

I turned around as I felt someone staring at me, I saw a woman looking at me, I shook it off but felt it wasn't safe to turn away from her so I turned back around to see... she wasn't there. Right, what the actual fuck was that? I thought. That fucking was there! I swear to god! I was obviously seeing things... I shook it off. I walked over to Scott "Scott, quit flirting with girls." I spoke "I can't! They're fit as fuck!" Scott defended himself.

After the party, Scott and I walked to our shared apartment. I was kinda spooked from the strange woman staring at me and disappearing when I turned back around, it's almost as if someone's after me. Was someone after me? If so... why? Did I do something wrong? I've never seen that woman before in my life!

Her hair was black, her skin pale and pasty, spidery fingers that gripped on to her ripped black dress, her features almost inhuman... what was she? She was obviously human but she just didn't look it. I couldn't see her face... if I saw her face I might of recognised her, but I couldn't...

Everything doesn't seem right now, it seems weird to have experienced such a strange situation... how did she leave my sight so quickly?

Just forget about this Travis! This is all in your fucked up mind... forget about what happened back at the party... I told myself. My mind is just spinning round and round, it won't stop. It felt weird... I had the urge to kill someone. I just became so angry all of a sudden. My mind is in pieces right now... I wanted to strangle someone. Why do I feel like this? I asked myself.

I remember the woman at the party... maybe she's the reason why I feel like this. But it can't be her that made me feel so pissed off. Am I possessed? Possessed by what though? Why am I thinking these thoughts? I don't even believe in evil entities or ghosts...

Only a LIAR would tell me, my mind was right...

I will continue very soon! Just waiting on iBrowseEyebrows to help me out! 😂

Word count: 550

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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