unfinished events

23 0 0

It not what we did it's what we didn't get to do

Heart break after heart break

you would think I would get a break from getting it hurt so much

I would go through any other pain...

Alcohol is what keeps me sane

The burn of alcohol down my throat

feels better than watching you with someone else

it feels better than my heart dropping to my soul

after you told me how worthless I was to you

like a slap in face right

I remember days where I would trace

your lips with my index finger

I would linger around and take pleasure of your company

Even when we would just lay there in silence

Im tired of being mistreated

Im tired of being abused

Im tired of heart breaks

Im tired of being tired

If you really cared you would have stayed

You wouldn't have played me like a toy

You ruined me and im still the one apologizing

I just hope the next person that decides to come and swoop me off my feet

Isn't a beast in disguise waiting to obliterate the tiny pieces I have left

of my heart @shechokesme 🥀

unfinished eventsWhere stories live. Discover now