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Alright guys, here is book three (finally). I honestly have not finished this book, in fact I have only written a few parts so far. But I wanted to at least give you guys chapter one. Thank you guys for reading my works these past few years. I honestly think after this series and other subsequent books from the gang are done, that it might be my last time writing on Wattpad. I honestly just don't feel the love for writing as I used to, and writer's block is a bitch (:p) I can't thank you guys enough for being with me these past couple of years reading and growing with me. I know I haven't been on in awhile and I do apologize for that, but life gets in the way you know? Hopefully I can do Ellie and Leo one last honor as I write their final chapters. Enjoy! :)


Two Years Later....

I remember sleeping peacefully in my bed, it was soft like a fluffy cloud and I felt at immense peace. But, all of a sudden, my peace was shattered.

"MOMMMMYEEEE!" Pierced the air and my bed started to shake.

"Mommy, mommy,MOMEEEE! Wake uuppppp!" Alori yelled

I peeled my eyes open and rolled over to the soft green eyes of my daughter. Even if it was dark, they seemed to illuminate.

"I'm up, I'm up. But shhh, you'll wake daddy."

She put her plump hand over her mouth and blew air out of her mouth, her version of a "shhh". I got out of bed and we both walked out into the hall.

What's the matter Sweetpea? Bad dream?" I asked, getting down to her level.

"I'm hungwy." She murmured

I started to smile.

"Sweetie it's three am, are you sure you want food now?" I asked her

"Yes!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"Well alright then, pancakes it is! Wanna help me mix the batter?"

"Yeah!" She said excitedly

"Well come on."

She grabbed my hand and started pulling me forward down the stairs. We went into the kitchen and started getting the kitchen ready for pancakes. While I grabbed the flour, eggs, and milk from the fridge, Alori got the plastic bowl from under the counter and then took her place at the kitchen table. I grabbed the mixing spatula and met her at the table.

"Now, what kind of pancakes do you want? Cinnamon or chocolate chip?" I asked her

"You pick daddy!"

I looked behind me and saw Leo walking into the kitchen looking exhausted. Oh no...we woke him up.

"I think Cinnamon would be good. How's my little Princess this morning?" Leo asked, picking her up


He smiled and bopped her nose.

"Then let's take care of that yeah?"

"I'm helping mommy mix. Can we start now?"

I smiled and started putting the ingredients into the bowl to mix. I gave her the spatula and let her mix.

"Alori, I'm gonna go talk to daddy for a second. Be careful okay?"

"Okay mommy."

Leo took the cue and met me in the foyer.

Ours (Book 3 of the His Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ