The Stars around her Wrist

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Annabeth!" Thalia said, running up to her friend and giving her a tight hug. "Ooh, it's been so long!"

"Thalia, it's only been a few months," Annabeth said, though she hugged back with a roll of her eyes. "Happy Birthday. I got you this."

She pulled out a tiny box, handing it to the daughter of Zeus. Thalia untied the silver ribbon and opened it, to find a simple charm bracelet, clasped together with a silver moon. Next to it was a single, tiny star. A smile spread over Thalia's face. "Thank you." She whispered, lifting it up to examine the beauty.

- - - ☆ - - -

"Annabeth Chase, Camp Half-Blood." Thalia said, and the rainbow in front of her rippled until it formed the iris message to the daughter of Athena. "Hey, Annabeth~" she said in a teasing tone as the other girl looked up. "Guess what day it is?"

Annabeth thought for a second. "Oh, I nearly forgot!" she exclaimed "Happy birthday!"

Thalia laughed. "You? Forget?"

"Well, you weren't at Camp this year. I lost track of the date with everything going on. How's the Hunt?"

"Great! We recruited three new girls!"

Annabeth smiled. "Sounds like you've got your hands full. Is that why you haven't come by camp?"

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll just give you my present next time you swing by."

"You really didn't have t--"

"Thalia, you're one of my closest friends." Annabeth interrupted, reaching out of view of the message for a moment before coming back into frame holding a tiny silver box. "Besides, that bracelet looks a little weird with only one charm."

Thalia looked down at her wrist, where the bracelet sat next to her other one; the one that transformed into Aegis. They had both been tarnished by the months on the Hunt, but the silver charm bracelet still shone softly in the moonlight. A fond smile made its way onto her face. "Thank you, Annabeth."

- - - ☆ - - -

It was later than Thalia would have liked when she iris messaged her brother. "Hey, Jason."

"Thalia, hey!" He replied. "Happy birthday."


Jason pushed his glasses up his nose as he smiled at Thalia, and there was some random noises from his end of the message. He turned in his seat slightly to see what was up, just as two other demigods leaned into frame.

"Happy birthday!" Percy and Annabeth said, waving to Thalia. She grinned, and Annabeth waved a silver box in front of her face.

"Special delivery for the birthday girl~" she sang. "I don't want to waste drachma on Hermes Mail though, so you'll just have to pick it up next time you're at Camp."

Jason rolled his eyes. "It's the same cost as an iris message."

"Yeah," Percy said "but Thalia called us, so it doesn't count!"

She laughed at that.

- - - ☆ - - -

"Happy birthday, Thalia!" Annabeth grinned as she waved through the iris message. Thalia blinked. Was it already her birthday? The last year had flown by, she didn't even realise.

"...thank you, Annabeth," She replied after a moment. Thalia was now... "How old am I?"

Annabeth paused for a moment, tapping a finger to her chin. "Well, after the ageing with the tree, you'd be... nineteen."

The Stars around her Wrist -- (PJO)Where stories live. Discover now